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As I held Y/N in my arms, her lips on my mine. Her arms tightly around me, my life felt perfect. We were gonna be a family, this is all I ever wanted in life and I can't believe it came true. I never thought it would...but I mean can you blame me, I know Y/N feels the exact same way so this is both so exciting for us. I just still can't believe I'm gonna be a dad.

"When are we telling everyone?" Y/N asked as she sat up. I was still lying down as she straddled me, I placed my hands around her waist and she placed her hands on my chest.

"I mean...I don't know how long I will be able to keep a secret." I chuckled.

"I know same! I don't think I can wait any longer! I just want to blurt it out for the whole world to hear!" She smiled.

"I do to! But maybe should we wait until we know for sure that the baby is fully healthy." I stated.

"Yes, yes of course." She mumbled and planted her lips on mine. I started smiling into the kiss and I wrapped my arms around her torso, holding her close. Her lips moving against mine in a loving matter. But then we both heard someone knocking on the door. We stopped kissing and Y/N sat up.

"Hello?!" I yelled.

"Hey, do you guys want some food! Nat and Clint are cooking?" Steve yelled and asked.

"Yeah, We will be right down." Y/N yelled.

"Okay!" We than heard him walk away and she immediately pressed her lips against mine again. I started laughing and kissed her back. After another good make out session, we both finally stood up. I fixed my shirt and jeans as she walked into the bathroom to go fix her hair. I opened the door waiting for her and She walked back out after a minute, smiling.

"What?" I smiled.

"We're gonna be parents." She smiled and jumped into my arms. Her legs wrapped around my waist as I wrapped my arms around her body.

"I know and I get to have a baby with the most beautiful girl in the entire world." I whispered and smiled, planting my lips on hers.

"Ah hem, are you guys coming!" Sam yelled and than he stood in the door frame.

"HELL! EVERY TIME!" He yelled and stomped down the hallway. Me and Y/N burst out laughing and I put her down, she grabbed my hand and we walked down to the kitchen. Sam was slouching against the counter, looking all embarrassed.

"Oh Sam...you could have seen worse." Y/N stated. "Your lucky all you got was us kissing." Everyone started laughing and he just started looking more embarrassed.

"That's my girl." I said and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Okay, so on today's menu is Stir fry." Nat shared.

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed.

We all filed around the table, Nat and Clint placed down the food. We all filled our plates and began to eat and talk. It was so hard to keep my mouth shut the entire meal...I was so happy and I wanted to tell my family. I looked over to Y/N and she kept glancing towards her belly and I could see that she wanted to tell everyone to.

"So Y/N and Bucky? How's it like being married?" Clint said all cocky.

"Oh it's lovely." Y/N said all playful as he placed her hand on my chest. I smiled and placed my hand on her back. Everyone started laughing and than Y/N smiled genuinely "It's actually amazing. I am so happy."

"Same here! I've never felt this happy in a long time." I shared.

'Awe's floated around the table as Nat picked up her glass. "Cheers." We all clinked our glasses and took a sip.

We didn't do anything really all evening. After supper me and Bucky went back to our room and just watched a movie. I started feeling very tired and started falling asleep in his arms. He was stroking my belly which was making me even more tired.

"Goodnight Doll." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

But than I woke up to my arm being poked and the name Doll.

"Doll...Doll...Doll." Bucky said as he poked my arm. I turned over and groaned.

"Yes Sargent." I said in a very groggy voice. He stared down at me smiling all giddy, he looked wide awake.

"Sorry for waking you?" He apologized.

"It's fine." I said and sat up in the bed. I looked at the window and it was pitch black outside, but it was pouring rain.

"Doll...remember when you said you wanted to dance in the rain...well I want to make that dream come true." He smiled. My heart instantly fluttered with love.

"Aww Bucky." I smiled and grabbed his chin and pulled him into a kiss. I than looked at the clock. "Wait...but it's the three in the morning."

"Yeah...and?" He chuckled. He jumped out of the bed and I started giggling. He helped me out and I pulled on of his hoodies. He opened the door and we ran through the halls of the compound, the rain making beautiful music hitting the windows. We got to the front of the compound and the doors opened. It was pouring rain and I smiled. Now I was wide awake and ready to do this. I dragged him into the rain, it instantly drenching us both. But did I care...not one bit. The cold grass beneath our feet making us more awake.

He grabbed my hand and made me do a little spin as the rain flew off my body. I spun into him as his hands wrapped around my back. We began to sway back and forth as thunder rolled above. My heart was so happy and I just stared at Bucky.

"Thank you." I whispered. He smiled and pulled me closer, he than made me do another spin and than he dipped me. His lips planted on mine and the biggest flash of lighting covered the sky at the exact moment. He than brought me back up and we both started being idiots in the rain. I held my head up and closed my eyes, feeling the rain drops hit my face.

"Got room for more people!" Nat yelled. I looked towards the doors, Nat, Steve, Peter and Sam were all standing by the open compound doors. They all ran out, getting drenched.

"Couldn't sleep." Nat smiled cheekily. I just giggled and we all started dancing in the rain.

"Who's idea was this?" Peter yelled.

"Bucky's!" I yelled.

"Nice!" Peter chuckled.

We spent the rest of the storm outside, getting drenched from head to toe. After the rain stopped we all walked back inside.

"This was perfect." I said to Bucky as we walked through the doors.

"Glad I could make your dreams come true."
He acknowledged and gave me a quick kiss.

"You guys are literally just the cutest." Nat said as she walked past us.

"I'm telling her first." I giggled.

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