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I rolled over and I saw Y/N sleeping peacefully, her hair a mess, strands covering her face. I moved the pieces of hair and tucked them behind her ears. She moved slightly and I could see a little smile on her face.
"Your awake aren't you?" I chuckled
"No." She sighed. She fluttered her eyes open. She started at me and smiled.
"Hey Doll."
"Hi Buck." She smiled. I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer.
"We should train together today?" She said
"Yeah I would love to but..."
"But what?" She looked confused.
"I don't want to hurt you." I sighed. I knew I was quite stronger than her, With the serum.
"Bucky I trust you and I have some winter solider stuff in me to. Ya your stronger but we can be more equally matched." She smiled and got out of the bed.
"Oh ya I forgot about that." I chuckled and got out of the bed and slipped on my clothes.
"I'll go get dressed in workout clothes."
"Okay meet In the gym in 10 minutes." She said smiling
"See you in 10." I left her room.

I quickly slipped on athletic tights and a blue tank top and runners. I slipped my hair back in a pony tail. I made it down to the gym and Bucky was filling up a water bottle. He was in a black shirt and black athletic shorts. His hair was in a man bun.
"Hey you ready for me to kick your ass." I laughed.
"Oh that's how it's gonna be." He smirked
"That's how it's gonna be." I grinned.
"Then let's go." He placed his water bottle on the bench. We got into a ready stance.
"You for sure about this?" He looked worried, I could really tell he didn't want to hurt me at all.
"Bucky if your hurting me, I will tell you. But I can hold my own and if I hurt you. Please tell me as well." I giggled.
"Alright." He nodded his head.
"You can have first punch." He added.
"Ok." I smirked. I ran up to him and faked the punch and landed one on his right cheek. He stumbled back and grinned.
"Nice, Also May I just say your kicks hurt ass."
"Ya, I have wicked kick. I won't try to kick than." He ran at me and I dodged but his other hand upper cut me and got me in the chin. I fell back on the ground. I placed my hands beside my head and hopped my self up. I landed on my feet and he looked worried.
"You okay?"
"Bucky I'm fine." I said a little more angry than usually. We began fighting at dodging punches left and right. We were holding our own. He kneed me in the side and I stumbled back. I ran at him and remembered the move Nat taught me. I wrapped my legs around his head and he tried to get me off, But I wrapped my legs tighter. He bumped us into the wall and my grip loosened and he wrapped his arms around my waist, He threw me off and I fell onto the mat.
"Where the hell did you learn that?" He asked catching his breath.
"Nat taught it to me, Do you like the move?" I smirked.
"Ya, It was quite hot. Suddenly seeing my girlfriends leg wrapped around me. Damnit." He grabbed his water bottle and took a giant sip. The water falling down his chest, As I watched the water drop lets trace his muscles.
"What are you staring at Doll?" He grinned.
"Oh nothing." I smirked and stood up. He placed the water bottle down and got back into a ready stance.
"We're doing another round?" I giggled
"You take round 1 best out of 3." He smiled. I smiled and got back into a stance. I swung first and he dodged it and got me in the cheek. I swung back and hit him in his ribs. He swung his leg and knocked me to the ground. He got over me and pinned my arms down.
"I'm having déjà vu." I laughed. He chuckled and helped me up.
"Round 3 lets go babe." I said catching my breath. He ran at me and I ducked down and crawled under his legs and kicked his back. He fell to the ground.
"I thought we said no kicking." He groaned.
"That was a love tap, I could have kicked you into the wall." I laughed.
"Oh yeah." He smirked
"Yup, I've done it before." I ran to him and we each grabbed each other's shoulders. I kneed him in the ribs and he groaned.
"Shit." He huffed. His leg wrapped around my right leg, But I managed to squirm away and I grabbed his shoulder and put it behind his back. I pushed him down to the ground and put my knee on his back.
"That was smooth." He huffed
"Thank you, I won right."
"Yeah you did." He sighed. I kissed his cheek and got off his back. He laid down on the ground and looked up at me and smiled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the ground.
"I wanna go shower." I pleaded.
"Can we do it together?"
"I wasnt planning on doing it alone." I smirked and helped him to his feet. Just than Sam and Steve walked in.
"What did we miss, Wait don't answer that!" Sam said. Steve laughed and looked at us.
"I just whipped Bucky's ass." I laughed
"Nice one Y/N." Steve smiled
"Thanks Steve."
"Should we go." Bucky subtly flicked his head to the door.
"Yeah we can go." I grabbed his hand we left the gym. On the way up his hand went under my shirt and began trying to unclip my bra.
"Bucky stop." I grabbed his hand and held it so he couldn't move it. He laughed.
"We are in public." I said gritting my teeth. The second we got back into my room, I was pinned against my door.
"Bucky." I moaned.
"I just need you." He groaned as he kissed my neck.
"I want you to. But let's shower." He picked me up and we got into my bathroom. He shut the door and I now was getting turned on more on. With every time he bit his lip. I grabbed his neck and pulled him into a kiss. As my hand fondled with the handle to the shower. I eventually got the water running and he slipped my shirt over my head. I slipped his off and kissed his chest. Just to be annoying I left a hickey on his right pec.
"Seriously." He rolled his eyes
"Oh come on Buck." I sighed. He took off my bra and decided as pay back to leave a hickey in the middle of my chest.
"Payback." He chuckled. I pulled him up and kissed him. We both took off our pants and underwear and got into the shower. He placed his hand on my inner thigh and I moaned softly. His lips crashed into mine and his metal hand moved father up my thigh.
"Bucky stop teasing." I begged
"As you wish." He pushed two fingers in me and I moaned loudly. He began moving and he held up my waist with his other hand. My hands got lost in his hair.
"Bu..." I moaned
"Go ahead." He kissed the sweet spot on my neck and I released.
"My turn." I smirked, I traced my hands down his chest. I got to my knees and went to work. He moaned. After he released he grabbed my shoulders and picked me up. I straddled his hips and he entered me. We both moaned as he began to move. We continued to kiss, my hands on his neck. His hands on my thighs holding me up. After about 10 minutes he pulled out.
"Damn it." He sighed
"Shower sex is one of my favourite things." I laughed.
"Same here Doll." He smiled and kissed me.
"I love you so much Barnes."
"I love you so Y/N." He kissed me once more, Melting in his touch.

WinterFlame (Bucky x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant