Her Eyes

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I woke up to the sun blinding me, I must have forgot to close the blinds last night, I usually remember to close them.

I let out a groan as I got out of the bed. I walked into the bathroom and saw my metal arm in the mirror, hopping into the shower. Afterwards, I put on black jeans and a blue long sleeve. As I was putting on my shoes, there was a knock at the door. "One sec."

I quickly finished tying my shoe, then put on my gloves, so I didn't have to be reminded of my metal arm. I answered the door and Steve was standing there.

"Hey Steve, whats going on." I asked he was holding a file In his hand.

"Bruce wants us in the lab, he found another Hydra base." I nodded my head and walked out of room, shutting the door.

"So, why do we need to go see it. Shouldn't the whole team?"

"Yeah, but he firstly wants to know if you recognize it."

"Okay." We walked past the entrance of the compound, Tony was standing there. He was talking to Nat and Clint. When I saw a girl poke her head out from behind Tony. I immediately met her beautiful y/e/c/ eyes. We stared at each other for a moment, Until Me and Steve left the room.

"You okay Buck." Steve asked, he must have noticed me looking at her.

"Ya...do you know who that is?" I asked

"I think that's our new recruit." He smiled.


"Ya, Turns out she's like Clint, target accuracy."

"Oh that's cool." I smiled, We continued to walk until we made it into the lab. I couldn't stop thinking about those beautiful eyes and that beautiful hair, it was embedded in my mind already.

We walked through the lab doors and Bruce smiled at us. "Good morning. Steve and Bucky."

"Morning." I mumbled out.

We walked over to we're he was working.
"Here, this is the one we found." He pointed to a file. I looked at it and than a sigh left my lips. That was the place I was kept, the place were they erased my mind. I started to feel a bit light headed and flopped down into a chair.

"You good?" Steve looked concerned, looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine...it's just...that's we're I was kept."

Steve's eyes winded a bit" Really?" I nodded my head.

"That's all I needed to know." Bruce went back to working.

Steve helped me to my feet and we walked out the lab. Before I entered my room, I noticed Tony walking down the hallway.

"Tony? What were you doing?" A bit of confusion in my voice.

"Oh. The new recruit is the last door, I was just showing her, her new room." He said with a small smile, He than walked past me and padded my shoulder. "Don't scare her." He laughed. I kept looking down the hallway.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Sam said. I spun around and he was standing right behind me, scaring me slightly.

"Hey Sam."

"Why you looking down the hallway?" He moved his head to look past me, then back to me.

"Nothing." I mumbled

"Yeah, sure." He smirked.

"Shut up." I chuckled. He smiled and walked away. I than walked into my room and shut the door. I leaned against the door and let out a sigh, those Damn eyes replaying in my head over and over again.

After I fan girled over my room for an hour. I realized the time was 2:55. I was suppose to meet the avengers at 3. I quickly left my room and walked into the main lobby.

I looked around and saw a bunch of the Avengers sitting around a table. I entered the room slowly and all of them stared at me. I wanted to run away. Fear filled my body. I scanned the room, Nat gave me a small smile, which calmed me down.

"Everyone this y/n. She will be our new recruit." Tony smiled. Everyone said hi in unison. Than each of them said there names.

Than it was the mystery mans turn. He was a bit distanced from the group, I wonder why? Was that personal or forced decision?

"I'm James Barnes, But people call me Bucky."

"Nice to meet you." I said, rubbing my hands together nervously, He smiled at me, his smile was so charming. A blush spread across my cheeks. Bucky, That was such a cute name.

"So what are your powers?" Peter asked.

"Um, I have the same skill set as Clint. But I mostly use knives."

"That is so cool." He exclaimed. I smiled at his comment.

Tony started talking about missions. After about 20 mins. We all stood up and left the meeting room.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute." Tony asked me just as I was leaving.

"Yeah, of course." I sat back down and I watched as Bucky left the room.

"I want you to go on a mission with the team."

"Like soon? I feel like I just got to know them, being on a mission will probably be awkward."
I just had met them. Clint would be better on the field than me, he actually knows them.

"It would be team bonding. There is a mission I want the team to go on tomorrow. I would really love for you to come." He expressed, I could tell he really wanted me to come, by the way he sounded.

"Okay, can I ask who's coming?"

"Surprise." He just stood up and left the room. I scoffed and laughed as I stood up. When I left the room, Bucky was staring at me, leaning against the wall.

"Oh hey. You scared me." I laughed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." He chuckled, his laugh was so cute.

"It's okay." We just stared at each other for a lot longer than natural, but it was hard not to stare at him, he was so good looking, but after while it began to start feeling awkward.

"Well, I'm going to go to back to my room." I smiled and began to walk back.

"Wait..." He yelled, I spun back around on my heels.

"Have you had a tour of the compound?" He was fiddling with his feet. He had a little smile on his face.

"No, I haven't. Why do you ask?" I asked, trying to be a flirt.

"Can I give you a tour?" His cheeks turning a bit pink.

"I would love that." I smiled. His shoulders snuck in relief. He walked over to me and I put my hands in my pockets.

"Shall we." He smiled at me.

"We shall." With that I looped my arm with his.

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