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I couldn't believe what she was saying to me. I would have Remembered fighting along side a female with fricken fire powers. Wouldn't I. I walked up the stairs and made it to the game room, Which I knew had a balcony. I rested my hands on the cold railing and breathed in the cold air. Why wouldn't she have told me sooner? When we first talked it seemed like she had just met me for the first time. I closed my eyes and tried to picture Anytime I saw her. I than remembered one time.
I was being dragged down the hallway, I had just gotten out of my ice chamber. As I was being dragged I took notice of a woman being tied down to a chair, being beaten.
I fell back, still holding onto the railing. My breath was faster and I could feel my heart beat, beating out of my chest. I closed my eyes, to calm my self down. I felt a hand on my back, I flinched and tried to hit whoever was there, but my fist was grabbed.
"Bucky, Baby it's me. Calm down. It's me." Y/N said. I opened my eyes and stood up.
"I'm sorry." I sighed
"Don't be sorry, i shouldn't have scared you." She frowned.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, anger in my voice.
"I didn't want you to get hurt." She sighed
"Well I'm hurt now." I scoffed.
"Bucky I'm sorry, I was gonna tell you eventually." Her face looked filled with pain and guilt.
"And that's when you tell me? After what we just did." I frowned. I was a little pissed off.
"I know it was a dumb time to say that. But I felt that if we were gonna be together. Now is the time." She smiled. I looked down at my feet and frowned.
"I want the whole truth." I said
"And the whole truth is what I'm gonna tell you, But can we go more private." She smiled.
"Yes Of course." I was happy that she was actually gonna talk to me about it. We walked outside and sat under a tree. The shade keeping us cool from the hot sun.

I sat across from Bucky, But he held my hands to give me the comfort for me to talk.
"So like I said, I worked for Hydras for 9 years. Clint and Nat saved me. And yes I have more powers." I removed my hand and held it out, Making a blue flame appear in my hand. His eyes widened.
"That's so cool Y/N. Why do you hide them?" Bucky asked. I grabbed his hand again and sighed.
"Because I used them for Hydra. That was my first power when they injected me. But after I went with Clint and Nat. They taught me my knife throwing skills and how to control them. So I wouldn't have to use my fire power and be reminded of Hydra." I began to tear up. He wiped away a tear on my cheek. I blushed with his warm touch.
"What did you mean when you said we fought together?" He asked, A slight frown on his face.
"Since we both had masks and glasses on I never saw your face and every time we were together your arm was covered. When we got to talking I soon realized that You were the man I fought with."
"How did you find out if you never saw my face or my arm." He asked
"Your voice Bucky. Every time we hung out. I soon realized that it was you." I smiled.
"While with Hydra you talked maybe once or twice and that's Was all I needed."
"Your being serious? My voice?" He looked stunned at that was the only thing I could use to find out it was him.
"Yeah, But I'm glad I told you know." I sighed I relief, it fell really good to get this off my chest finally.
"Same here, I wish I could remember you though." He sighed.
"Well I don't, That was a bad version of my self I don't want people to remember." I frowned, Bucky grabbed my chin and lifted my head up. His lips only inches from mine, His blue eyes staring into mine lovingly.
"I won't make you talk about it unless you want to. I would never want to force you to do anything you don't want to do. I love you Y/N and I will always be here for you. Thank you for telling me all of this." He smiled. I began feeling tears in my eyes. He planted his lips on mine and I moved forward. So he leaned against the tree and I sat on his hips.
"Thank you Bucky, I love you to." I kissed him again and his hands trailed down my back. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck. We continued to kiss, But is wasn't heated, Just calm and loving. I closed my eyes, loving the sensations.
"OH YOU GOTTA BE FU....Guys not in the open." Sam yelled.
"Shit!" Bucky huffed. I got off of him and laughed.
"Sam why are you always here?" Bucky asked annoyed.
"I was on a run and you guys are kind of like just by the trail." He pointed to the trail and raised his eyebrows.
"We were just kissing Sam, calm down." I grinned and placed both hands on Bucky's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.
"It would have led to more and you both know it?" He scoffed. I looked up and Bucky and he gave a subtle wink. I blushed and looked back at Sam.
"Sam you should go ask Tony if supper today can be pizza?" I smiled.
"Actually I've been craving pizza, so I'll do that." He ran off and I started laughing. I pulled away from Bucky and held my chest.
"What's so funny?" Bucky asked.
"I...I didn't expect him to actually say yes, I was joking." I started laughing louder and Bucky started laughing as well.
"Well he is an idiot." Bucky sighed
"Only sometimes." I smiled.
"Let's go Doll." He chuckled. He wrapped his around me and we walked back into the compound. Our faces still red from laughing so much.

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