Chapter Twenty-Five: Redirection

Start from the beginning

He shook his head chuckling. "You'd like to see that, wouldn't you?"

"He treated your sister like an object he owned. He ordered you around like a servant while telling you to do a despicable thing... and then he took off so he wouldn't have to face the deed. I call that cowardice. If you have any doubts about what I'd say, ladylike or not, I'll be glad to tell you, or you can watch me tell him exactly what I think of him."

He took three large steps and grabbed her arms pulling her against him. "You will do no such thing. I plan to tell your father what happened. If any of us has a right to say anything, it's him. Not us. My father respects him. Hopefully, that will make him listen."

With a hard sigh, he rubbed his hands up and down her arms to comfort her. "Charlotte, I know my father and he'd dismiss anything we have to say. All I intend to tell him is that I refused to go against Vivian when she has the legal right to do exactly what she did."

She studied the resentment in his eyes. "You've quit trying to communicate with him, haven't you?"

His eyes widened with surprise that she understood him that well. "It does little good if it deals with anything other than business. He justifies any decision he makes," he said with a growl in his voice.

"You're worried about his reaction to me being there, aren't you?" He stared into her eyes and finally nodded. With a sigh, she told him, "I had planned to take the staff with me, but perhaps that isn't a good idea. We have a few weeks before Ben brings her back. Perhaps we should wait. Your father may recognize his mistake after he speaks to my father. If not, Dalton can help Ben legally. It's not right for you to step into the ring to fight your father alone."

He grinned at her analogy. "The ring? Ben's taught you well. It would be exactly like that. I hate to admit it, but Father is a champion at intimidation. It often makes me feel as though I'm ten seasons all over again."

She cupped his face. "You'll outgrow it, I'm sure. For now, you and Michael should go and pack your things and pack as much of Vivian's clothes as possible. If you ask the maids to help, it could get them fired."

The left side of his lip pulled in dimpling his cheek. "She has a personal maid who may be fired anyway."

"Bring her here. Vivian will want to maintain her position and Ben can easily afford it. We'll take her with us to Kendal along with the trunks."

"Sweetheart, that's a sweet suggestion, but newlyweds want to be totally alone.They spend most of that time in the bedroom," he said waiting for her blush. It came along with a finger jabbing into his chest.

"You enjoy shocking me with forbidden conversations."

"Most assuredly. I also enjoy stirring your temper."

"Why is that?"

"That's another topic that we will discuss later. I should go."

"We shall still take her maid. She can see to Vivian's wardrobe and other duties, regardless of her activity with my brother."

"Does it embarrass you to know a new husband will take the place of any personal maid?"

"How would you know? You've never been married," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"Because, my beauty, I would keep you within my sight and preferably naked."

She gasped at his boldness. "You are actually trying to mortify me, aren't you?"

Since he still had a grip on her, he dipped his head to kiss the crook of her neck. She sagged against him, and he brought her arms around his neck while he moved to tongue her ear. He felt her shiver with desire.

"You'll never have thoughts other than what I'm doing to you," he mumbled under his breath. Her response was enough for him to kiss her lips and then take a step back. "I believe you're right. I'll pack and be back soon."

She reached for the banister on the stairs to keep her balance. "Bring clothes for the opera. You promised to take me."

He liked the fact she reminded him. It meant she wanted that time alone with him. "I haven't forgotten, sweetness." He strolled back to the office Michael was using and felt like whistling.

He and his brother left for home and they made sure there was no sign of Father's carriage or his horse, before approaching the stable.

As they walked towards the house, Michael asked Radley, "Do you plan to return to London after our visit at Kendal, or do you plan to travel to your estate in Maywood?"

He opened the door, before answering. "There are too many unseen circumstances that will determine that."

"You haven't known Charlotte for more than a week. You need to visit one of your widows and take the pressure off. You aren't thinking with your head... the one on top of your shoulders, that is," Michael said only partially teasing.

Radley didn't respond. Michael wouldn't understand why he didn't want another woman and the fact he hadn't since he'd first laid eyes on her. His concern was that he wasn't sure about her feelings for him. Oh, he knew she enjoyed his stolen kisses, but she never instigated affection and that concerned him.

Another concern was the way her sassy mouth taunted him. Logically, Michael was right. They were practically strangers. Strangers who were connected through marriage, not that it had anything to do with his feelings for her. Until the left, temptation of her being so close would try him by fire.

"I need to invest in a house," he said aloud though not speaking to anyone.

"Father will come to his senses," Michael said trying to make him see reason.

He slowed his steps. "I no longer wish to live under Father's rule. Besides, a house is a good investment. My business will always keep me in London, not to mention it's time I lived on my own. Father has lost his bloody mind if he thinks I'll take part in his schemes."

Michael rubbed a hand through his blond curls. "Tell me it's not a home for you and Charlotte and I may believe you."

He paused not wanting to lie outright to his face. "There's a chance she'll turn me down."

Michael laughed so hard he bent in half and then straightened. "Congratulations. You'll never be bored." He shook his head and walked towards the door. "Let's get this business over with. A word of warning. Take her with you under the guise of helping you pick a house. You two don't need to start out with something she hates. It will also give you the opportunity to see if she has a clue about the cost of things. Can't have a woman spending every quid you've earned."

"What the hell has made you so jaded, brother?"

"Experience. That story I'll save for another day." Michael swung the door open to step inside. Radley was right behind him.

Most young women, regardless of time or country, find love and hesitancy because they fear of being played for a fool, or because of doubts

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Most young women, regardless of time or country, find love and hesitancy because they fear of being played for a fool, or because of doubts. In Charlotte's case, she was raised to be a lady, especially debutantes. However, in her case, she has a wild side. Radley has tasted it and sometimes a mere sip of the exotic is not enough.

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