Chapter Three: All About Vivian

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"My brother has a kind nature, Radley. That is one worry you will not have. May I inquire if your sister runs the household?" Charlotte asked with interest.

"Indeed. Our aunt, who is also our godmother, came to visit and taught her all she could within a few weeks. Ever since that summer, she enjoys the challenge of obtaining fresh food at the market for a good price. Whenever she goes about, we have her guarded by two well-armed drivers and a bodyguard."

He looked to Charlotte and told her, "Without a woman in the house, she has failed to gain interest in her wardrobe. Practicality is more to her liking than style. When she was told she would need a new gown for her party and dresses for her first season, she merely said a few dresses would suffice. She has no intention of spending time in frivolous behavior. Today, Father told her that she would be married in the spring after her first season. I am unsure if that was discussed with your father, because that was not in the contract."

"Such was not mentioned to me. Vivian will decide when she is ready to share our vows. I do not wish for her to be told when it will take place. It takes all control away from her and can create disharmony and resentment. I will speak to him on this if necessary. She is not to be forced into this agreement," Ben said without wavering.

"She should also have her season if that is what she wishes," Charlotte exclaimed. "Being engaged to Ben, he should accompany her as an engaged couple. Though he is not fond of parties or balls, I have no doubts he would make an exception for her, would you not, Ben?"

He grinned and moved his gaze upon Radley. "I would be honored. Charlotte is good at sharing her insight to what is expected of me."

Radley stared at her and easily acknowledged how pleasurable it would be to do as she asked. In fact, he would enjoy dancing with her. "The season began a few months ago. Will you be attending any of the balls?"

A maid interrupted their conversation by pushing a cart to the entrance. Charlotte sent the maid a nod and the cart was placed beside her. The young woman curtsied and left.

"Would you like tea, Radley? A scone perhaps with fruit?"

"I would." He watched her pour and place a scone on a plate with a scoop of sugared peaches and a dab of whipped cream. She handed the plate to Ruth who brought it to him. He thanked her and she smiled.

She continued to pour tea while answering his question, "I had a season when I was seventeen. It was not as I expected. Ben and Owen escorted me. They danced with me as well. Since that time, I have enjoyed the intimacy of smaller parties where conversations are possible."

She prepared tea for her brothers and Ruth handed them the cups. The scones were topped with berries and whipped cream and Ruth passed the plates. Then she readied a plate for Ruth. Charlotte did not partake of the food but sat back to drink her tea.

Radley assumed she was not fond of sweet treats. "I am of the same opinion concerning balls," Radley told her. "I have little reason to attend. Nor has my brother Michael found a reason to partake. Not all of London does. A Soirée is much preferred."

He turned his gaze upon Ben. "Vivian will want to experience the much talked about balls. Though she will bore quickly for the reasons I have given. Do not be surprised if she requests to leave shortly after arriving. However, that is two years away and she may change her mind about participating. I try not to encourage her association with the highborn of society and their parties, even though Father deemed it necessary for her training." He turned his attention to Charlotte. "Perhaps attending a gathering with you, she would enjoy the event."

"I would be pleased to include her." She replied.

Radley was pleased with their reaction to what he told them about Vivian. Most men would have been put off hearing of such intelligence, but Ben was eager to hear more. In some ways, he behaved as if he already loved her. "My sister enjoys speaking with those who can teach her something. She may come to you, Ben, with questions."

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