Chapter 9

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Warning: language, violence, flirting, etc.


All the energy I had was gone. It was colder than the day prior and much crueler wind. The snow continued to pour from the sky. I shivered, pulling my jacket closer together to zip it up. The snow was around three feet deep still, which was a bit much since I was only 5'3". Soon, I passed the river I fell into. The holes in the ice were already freezing back up. This time, I was smarter and avoided the river all together.

It took an insane amount of effort to continue walking through this deep snow. I started worrying about making it to my Jeep. If you're wondering, a resistance member by the name of Gary found it beside the road all dinged up and brought it to Fall's End. Pretty soon, my breathing became ragged and I was getting exhausted; my lungs felt like they were on fire. I shouldn't be out here, freezing to death; I didn't want to die peacefully. I wanted to be remembered for something: dying heroically or some shit like that. Shakily, I kept moving forward, not wanting to die here. I was going to fight; soldiers don't give up. My mind kept thinking of that warm, cozy cabin I left. I kept trying to stop thinking about that beef vegetable soup... and how Jacob's lips felt against mine. Anyway, I lost all the food I had in my backpack in the river, so, I was pretty hungry.

Damn. What am I gonna do now?

My thoughts immediately went to Jacob. I shook my head. I can't go back. He hates me. He told me to leave. He hates me. He told me to leave. He hates me. He told me to leave. He hates me...

Well, fuck him. I don't need his sorry fucked up ass.

I keep trying to accept the fact that he's not the same Jacob from before, but it's hard to. I knew I had to go back to him. I knew that I was going to be stuck with him in his cabin for a few days, maybe a week until it warms back up and the snow evaporates more while I regained my strength. Then hopefully the weather becomes more tolerable. Even though I didn't want to, I knew I had to turn back. The wind was literally screaming and I knew I wouldn't be able to make it back to my Jeep.

"Johnson!" Jacob called out. "We need to get you back to my cabin!"

"Fuck you, Jacob! I'm not going back!" I glanced behind me as I kept marching forward; I knew I wouldn't make it, but I was too stubborn to go back with him to his cabin willingly.

"Quit being so goddamn stubborn and turn around!" He yelled as he walked faster.

Before I knew it, the palms of his hands grabbed my waist and lifted me up onto his shoulder.

Curse his long ass legs.

"PUT ME DOWN, SEED!" I screamed as I tried to pry myself out of his iron grip. "How the FUCK did you find me again, damnit?!"

He gave me the silent treatment.

"Well, fine. Don't say a word. I don't know what's up with you and your mood swings. You're like a woman on her period." I huffed as I crossed my arms.

Jacob continued to keep silent.

"I don't want to go back to your sleazy cabin with YOU." I snarled as I attempted to escape again, but his grip wouldn't budge; I forgot how strong this man really was.

For his age, he was a motherfucking beast and could probably kill ten armed men with just his bare hands.

"Just shut up, please." Jacob muttered in annoyance.

"Hell no. I ain't listening to you after you told me to leave and said what you said." I paused for a moment, thinking. "Why did you come back for me?"

"You never shut up, do you?"

"It's your fault for coming back for me. If you didn't force me to come with you and throw me over your big ass shoulder, you wouldn't be listening to my fucking mouth." I pouted. "Can you at least put me on my feet? The blood is flowing to my head."


About fifteen minutes went by and Jacob was still carrying me.

"Aren't your arms tired from carrying my fat ass?" I questioned; I was honestly doubting that he was even human. This man was definitely made of steel.

"No." Jacob stubbornly said, again.

"Are you just gonna keep saying 'no'?"


"Sounds like you're the one that's so goddamn stubborn."

A few minutes went by and his cabin came into view.

"Put me down, Jacob. I can walk." I tried to persuade the eldest Seed brother as I dangled my legs in a feeble attempt to get out of his vice like grip.

Reluctantly, he placed my feet on the ground. With my luck, I was dizzy from all the blood flow to my head. Once I took a step in the direction of the cabin, I almost fell face first in the snow, but I felt a rough, calloused hand grab my forearm before I fell and pull me back up on my own two feet.

"How did you even make it in the army?" The oldest Seed sibling asked, squeezing my forearm and dragging me toward the cabin; his grip was so tight and strong that it was sure going to leave a bruise behind.

"You're such an asshole. God, I can't stand you anymore." I scowled as I tried to tug my poor arm away from him. "I was a Marksman just like you."

"Pfft. I was so much better than you. Remember General Cook, one of my supervisors, and the whole Human Resources Command wanted me as Lieutenant."

"Bull. The entire Human Resources Command did not. They'd choose me over you any day. The only reason why they wanted you is because you're a man."

"I'm still way more experienced on the battlefield... And in the bedroom."

"Fuck you." I growled.

"Gladly." Jacob winked as we made it to the cabin's front door; he loosened his hold as I jerked my arm away so he could unlock the door. He held the door open, "Madam."

"And for your information, I guarantee I'm way better than you in the bedroom." I glared at him and made my way inside the warm cabin. I wouldn't admit it in front of him, but I'm glad I'm back here instead of freezing to death out there, alone.

Jacob shut the door behind him and turned to face me, "Wanna test that out?"

If you like this story, please let me know! :) I love your feedback and it makes me want to update faster lol

Stay safe! Love you guys😷❤️

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