Chapter 15

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Warning: language, fluff, major flirting, mentions of puking, etc.

Don't read some parts if you have a weak stomach! lol


It was Christmas Day as I parked my Jeep beside Jacob's cabin. I got out of the vehicle and walked up to the front door, limping. My period was here and my stomach was literally killing me. Usually, my periods were awful and very severe. And this was definitely one of my worst. I groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach; it was almost as if someone was stabbing me with a knife, I was in that much pain. Knocking on the door, I heard nothing. After a few seconds, I was getting rather impatient as I knocked again, louder this time. "Are you gonna open up, Jacob?!"

I heard a grunt and shuffling from behind the door. In an instant, the door opened.

"Axl?" Jacob asked with worry filling his voice.

My hands were still holding my stomach. "Let me in. I need the couch, now." I mewled as I hobbled toward the living room. "Help. I'm dying."

Jacob shut the door behind us and turned my way. "What're you doing here? Are you hurt? What happened?" He stalked over to me, holding my waist. "Pup? Who the fuck hurt you?! I'll fucking kill them! I'll make them suffer-"

"Mother nature." I whimpered as another throbbing pain shot through my stomach and disseminated to my lower back.

Jacob scoffed as he walked me to his couch, "You can't be hurting that bad, Johnson."

As I laid down, I closed my eyes. "Fuck you. You have no idea..." I massaged my tummy with my hands in an attempt to ease the pain. "Do you have any medicine?"

"Yeah, just hold on." Jacob left to go into the kitchen to find me something.

Not long after, I felt super nauseous. Oh no. God, please no. As quick as I could, I made my way to the bathroom to go throw up. Holding onto the toilet, I gagged a few times.

Jacob came in here running. "Hey, hey, hey." He pulled back my hair. "I got some medicine and a water. You alright?

"Does... it fucking look... like it?" I gagged as I tried to answer.


I puked immediately. After emptying all my stomach's contents, I had some relief. "Can you get me to the couch?" I asked as I took the medicine and drunk some water.

"Yeah." He said as he lifted me up against his chest, bridal style. Jacob easily carried me to the couch and laid me down. "I can start a fire if you want?"

"That'd be great. Can you get me a blanket too? Please..."

The eldest Seed brother nodded and left to get me a blanket and start a fire. Once he came back, I was dozing off so, he wrapped a red plaid blanket around me.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, pup?" Jacob asked as he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Lay with me and massage my tummy."

"You got it." Jacob smiled softly and kissed my forehead.

Meanwhile, he got under the blanket with me. Instantly, I got really warm.

"You're so warm." I smiled as I leaned my head against his chest and he had his hand on my hip.




I turned around to face him. "I've been wondering... Do I ever... how do I put this? Do you um... I wanna know... What are we?" I questioned, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. I think I took him aback.

"Well... whatever you want us to be." He answered as he tried to avoid my eyes.

I gently grabbed his chin. "What do you want us to be?"

"I think that's pretty obvious, Johnson." He chuckled.

"So, it's official?"


I beamed as he said that. Quickly, I gave him a peck on the lips and closed my eyes. "Good. Now, I'm going to sleep." After a few minutes, I felt a throbbing pain in my stomach. "Motherfucker." I opened my eyes and clenched my stomach with my hands. "DAMN!"

Jacob eyes instantly flew open as his grip tightened around me.

"Sorry." I apologized as I closed my eyes in pain. All I felt was agony at that moment.

"I swear, you're going to give me a heart attack one day." He shook his head as he closed his eyes shut once more. Which shocked me was when he began singing softly, "Only you can make all this world seem right. Only you can make the darkness bright.
Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do and fill my heart with love for only you. Only you can make all this change in me. For it's true, you are my destiny. When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do. You're my dream come true, my one and only you. Only you can make this change in me. For it's true, you are my destiny. When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do. You're my dream come true, my one and only you." His gruff voice filled the room; as soon as he stopped singing, I couldn't get enough.

"Can you sing some more?" I pleaded. "Your voice is so soothing." I then planted my face in his chest.

"No." He replied firmly.



"Fine." I turned over, facing away from him.

He huffed and started massaging my tummy. "Is that better?"

I smiled. "Yes. Your hands are wonderful." I moaned from the pleasure.

"I know they are." Jacob had a smug look on his face.  "I know exactly how to make my babygirl feel good."

"Yes you do, daddy." I giggled.

Jacob growled and placed his lips under my ear. "You need to call me that more often."

I laughed. "Who knew you were kinky."

"Honey, you haven't seen kinky, yet."

"We can see if you really are kinky, later." I suggested.

"I'm holding you to that." He smirked as he nestled into the crook of my neck. "Only you, Johnson. It was always only ever you."

I'm honestly in love with this story so much😂
Hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am!
Love you guys🥺💘💘
Stay safe out there 😷
-kittycatlukey :)

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