Challenge (A/N)

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1. 🖤
2. Country
3. Play piano 🎹
4. I do, but sugar doesn't need to be in them for me to enjoy :)
5. As a child- Goosebumps or Magic Tree House
Now- Probably either Twilight, the Hunger Games, or Divergent
6. Showers 🚿
7. Witch 🧙‍♀️
8. Both❤️
10. It's alright lol and probably not
11. Insane Clown Posse 🤪🤣 aye their songs are a bop thoooo
12. Eh idk. If I were famous, I'd like to be an author or an actor
13. It depends lol
14. Sometimes 😂
15. Sulfur :/       
I'm just kidding lmao but fr tho probably water
16. Uhhh Jacob Seed 😍
17. Jakeyyyyy
18. Okurrrr. Okur. Um I was in the first grade and we had snack time. And it was like those peanut butter crackers in a pack. Anyway, we weren't allowed to eat yet and I was friggin hungry ash so I tried to sneak two in my mouth and the teacher caught me. She called me out in the front of the class and I got embarrassed and cried😂😂 I'll never forget it. I love her tho
19. Either toilet paper or a pencil eraser when I was a kid 🤣🤭
20. Trees lol
21. My family
22. Hell yes
23. Uhh does someone from WWE count when I was a kid?
24. I used to
25. Pencil because pen doesn't erase and I make lots of mistakes 😂
26. Sagittarius ♐️ 😎
27. Crunchyyyy
28. Idkk
29. OFC DUH! The thing I'm currently reading is a book about Ted Bundy
30. Either say it or hug them. I'm a hugger (honestly depends on the person)
31. NO
32. Germs tbh. That's my number one fear
33. Vanilla, coconut, and anything manly
34. Depends
35. I'd like to live like a hippie ✌🏼
37. Put it in my pocket duh
38. No
39. I'm not gonna have kids 🙅‍♀️
40. Anything 😌 I'd get Faith Seed tattooed on my ass right now🥰
41. My dryer, drying my clothes 😂
42. Home
43. I know it sounds stupid, but probably my fear of germs
44. I'd just like to time travel and live in the 70s/80s. It seemed like a really fun time. The music was great, the hair, the cars, no cell phones, everything was GREAT
45. 😂
46. Fall. It's not too cold or hot. Pretty leaves. Halloween
47. On a beach wearing tie dye and drinking pina coladas
48. Weird
49. Being too shy sometimes lol
50. Cacoomba- another word for cucumber🥒 😎

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