Chapter 33

424 13 3

Warning: language, violence, etc.


My heart stopped as I looked down to see the blade of the hunting knife deep into my stomach while blood seeped down my shirt. A single gunshot filled the air and I looked up to see that the man that stabbed me was dead with a bullet lodged into his skull. Pushing the limp man off of me, I cried out in pain as the small movement caused the dagger to wedge itself deeper inside me.

David and Jacob came into vision as they both crouched down on the ground. General had my revolver in his hands; he must've been the one to kill the giant man. Jacob started dragging me behind one of the barricades nearby to shield us from the war on the other side of it. Once we were protected, Jacob leaned me against the barrier, placing his palm on my shoulder.

"She's burning up." Jacob muttered after he placed his hand on my forehead. "The knife must've nicked her kidney or something and she's probably turning septic." He mumbled as he cupped my cheek, looking into my eyes.

"That motherfucker." I growled as I turned my head to glare at the lifeless ogre that tried to kill me. "KARMA'S A BITCH, HUH?!"

"That's a big fucking knife." David's eyes grew as big as saucers, eyeing the knife still in my stomach.

I had to get this fucking knife out. Here goes nothing...




Quickly, I grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it out of my tummy, causing blood to squirt out all over the place. A yelp escaped my mouth as I threw the dagger in the dead bastard's direction. I put pressure on my wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding down. "I have the worst. Damn. Luck." I scowled, infuriated, as my shirt turned from gray to a dark crimson color around my wound.

"She needs a doctor. Now." Jacob sternly voiced as he gently picked me up, bridal style.

In the process of Jacob swooping me into his arms, I whimpered from all the anguish I was experiencing.

"Stay strong, pup." Jacob encouraged me as he carried me inside the jail. "Cover me, Cook."

"You got it, sir."

After making it in the empty jail, I seen Ashley on her designated stool, a bloody small hole in her chest... She was shot. Dead.

Thank God Dr. Charles Lindsey rounded the corner; he seen the three of us and began panicking, holding his chest.

"Doctor Charlie Lundy! Axl's been knifed!" Jacob yelled, his voice literally shaking the walls.

"I-It's Doctor Charles Lindsey." He corrected Jacob. "And I'm just a veterinarian. I don't know how to fix this."

"I don't give a flying FUCK what your name is! If we don't get my girl to a qualified goddamn doctor, she's gonna die!" Jacob angrily shouted at the terrified doctor, stalking towards him with me still in his strong arms.

"The only d-doctor we have here is me. T-T-There is no one else." Dr. Charles Lindsey stuttered under the intense glare of my burly boyfriend while backing up a little bit.

"Shit..." Jacob paused for a moment, thinking about what we were going to do. "I can't believe I'm about to do this..." He mumbled. "Dr. whatever the fuck your name is, take her to Faith's bunker. Do you know where that is?"

Dr. Charles Lindsey nodded, "Y-Yes, I can take her there."

Jacob sat me down on my feet and held onto my waist. "I'm going to give you my truck keys and you are going to get her to Faith's compound. You drive FAST. Dr. Perry Byers should be there. He'll know what to do. She better make it, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." Dr. Charles Lindsey nodded as he took Jacob's truck keys. "Won't let you down."

"You better fucking not or I will feed you to my goddamn Judges." Jacob snarled at the frightened veterinarian, then, he looked down at me. "You're gonna be okay, pup." He handed me over to Charles.

Dr. Charles Lindsey had to catch me before I fell to the ground; his left arm was wrapped around my waist and he placed his right hand on my wound, applying pressure. "I got her."

Jacob cupped my face in his hands, his dark blue eyes gazing into mine. "Stay strong for me, alright?"

I nodded, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. "I love you, Jake. So much... So so so much."

Jacob was shocked, his mouth agape as he heard those words come out of my mouth; he then remembered that I needed to leave and closed his mouth, licking his lips after. "... I love you too." Jake swallowed the lump in his throat. "I started this damn war and I gotta finish it... I promise, I'm gonna come for you." He vowed as he brought my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles, including my ring. "As long as you have your ring, I'll always be with you."

I nodded, a single tear falling down from my left eye, running down to my chin. "Don't you fucking die on me."

"I don't know if I can promise you that, pup." Jacob chuckled slightly. "Now, go."

I smiled softly at him, hoping that this wasn't the last time I'd see him. "Let's go, doc." I ordered Dr. Charles Lindsey as he walked me to the back door, to avoid all of the gunfire.

I looked back to see Jacob staring at me, his eyes showing sadness; he caught me looking back at him and he flashed me a small, quick, heartbroken smile as he turned around and went out the front door with David. Jacob was heading to war and possibly his death, not looking back...

Craning my neck towards Dr. Charles Lindsey, he gripped my waist tighter as he opened the door. Going down the stairs, I tripped over the last step and fell face first in the grass.

"Axl?" Dr. Charles Lindsey asked, fully of worry as he turned me over onto my back, my blood pouring out onto the grass, turning it from a bright green to a deep red. "Stay with me." He gently slapped my face to keep me from falling into unconsciousness.

It didn't work because I was losing too much blood and my vision started to become blurry. His voice was muffled as I slowly allowed the darkness to consume me...

Hope y'all are liking the story☺️✨
Thanks so much for reading & for all the support🥰
Love you guysss🤍
Stay safe out there 😷
-kittycatlukey :)

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