Chapter 27

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Warning: language, etc.


Three Months Later—

[Still Jacob's Point Of View / POV]

I never gave up. I never gave up on her and I never have. I never fucking will. I stayed and slept in that same metal chair beside her bed for three months and I'd do it for her all over again. The only time I wasn't by her side was when I had to go train my soldiers, but as soon as I was done, I'd go right back to Faith's bunker to be right beside Axl. Many of my soldiers claim that I've gotten more harsh and I'm training them much harder since the incident with Eric... and I am; I'm training them to be stronger. Anyway, John, Joseph, and Faith would take turns watching her for me when I couldn't be beside her.

A couple weeks after Axl's surgeries and after she fell into a coma, they wanted to pull the plug... I wouldn't let them. Over. My. Dead. Body. The head surgeon believed she should've been in a vegetative state by now and Axl hasn't. Which is a good sign. And now they're saying that her survival rate is twenty-one percent now instead of six percent. Joseph said that his prayers to God are working... I sure hope so. Today, I was sitting in my designated metal chair beside her bed after training my soldiers, like usual. I had a cup of coffee in my hand, the steaming hot black liquid easing my throat. Sometimes I would talk to her in case she could hear me; I'm not sure if she could though. Probably not... Placing the cup of coffee down, I started talking to her again.

"Remember the first time we met?" I smiled at the love of my life, feeling all nostalgic. "We hated each other with a goddamn passion..." I paused for a moment, taking a sip of my coffee, reminiscing on the good old days...


Right now, I was residing in the dormitory with my fellow soldiers: Miller, Eric, Ron, Sanders, Carter, and a few more soldiers I didn't really know. Anyway, we all got our breakfast tray and sat down at our table. To be honest, I wasn't that close with them, but I sat with them regularly regardless. I was chomping down on my omelet when General Cook came up behind us, showing off the new soldier assigned to our team. I grumbled in annoyance, they were always young and didn't deserve to be here. He had a short girl with him that was muscular with shoulder-length brown hair. The young girl looked like she could hold her own...

General Cook spoke up, "This is one of our new Marksmen, Axl Johnson."

I almost choked on my omelet hearing that, but I stomached it anyway. That means I'd have to show her the ropes. Great... Not.

"She's eighteen years young. Ms. Johnson is good, really good... Amazingly good. This young lady is a great shot and will be an asset to our fine team." He smiled as he patted her on the back. "I think you'll get along with them just fine, Johnson. If you need anything, let me know. And guys, treat her like your fellow soldiers. I know she's young, but you'd be surprised... Her skills are extraordinary and remarkable... It's like she's been a soldier for years already. Now, don't let me stop you from eating." General Cook chuckled as he ushered her over to the seat beside me.

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it, sir." Axl flashed him a smile as she got a fruit cup, then sat beside me. "Hello. I'd like to know your name." She looked at me, the fluorescents reflecting off of her doe eyes, making her look so innocent.

"Jacob Seed." I muttered as I began inhaling my third omelet.

Her attitude changed quick. "You don't have to be such a smartass, Seed."

"You better fucking watch it." I growled while glaring at her.

She rolled her eyes at me as she began talking to all the other soldiers.

"Woah, she got some sass." Josh laughed as he gave her a high-five.

Her, Sanders, and Eric sure hit it off.

End Of Flashback—

Not long after that, I seen Axl's hand move slightly in the corner of my eye. Witnessing that made me almost spill my coffee on my lap and I hurriedly placed the cup on the table.

Her hand was shaking as if she was having a panic attack. Suddenly, her hand stopped and was back to laying beside her, limply. This was the first time I've seen her do anything since she's been in a coma. Then, I pressed the emergency button on the wall and an alarm sounded, calling in a nurse.

"What seems to be the problem?" A nurse I've never seen before, rushed up to me.

"Her hand was shaking and now it's limp." I explained as fast as I could. "Is that normal? Is she going to wake up?"

"I'm not sure, but I'll go get Dr. Byers!" She rushed out of the room.

I looked back at Axl to see that both of her hands were moving. Was she going to wake up?

I took both of her hands in mine and started singing our song.


I was in my cabin, blowing on my CD of the Platters to get all the dust off of it. It had a few scratches on it too so I rubbed the CD with my shirt in an attempt to make the damn thing play. After a minute or so, I was finally able to see that there were no more scratches on it; I placed the old ass CD in my portable CD player. I was trying to get 'Only You' to play before Axl came home. Hearing the front door open, I turned around to see my girlfriend in the doorway.

"Hey." She smiled as she waltzed in, shutting the front door in the process. Her smile dropped when she seen I was hiding something behind my back. "What's that? Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" Axl walked closer to me.

As quick as I could, I pressed play as 'Only You' filled the air. Turning around, Axl was now right in front of me; we were only a few inches apart as our favorite song sounded from the small CD player. I placed my hands on her hips as she beamed up at me. At that moment, I could easily say that I was happy. Truly happy. Her hands were on my shoulders as we swayed to the Platters.

Everything was perfect.

"Everything's perfect. You're perfect." I grinned as I leaned down to kiss her lips. After a few seconds, I pulled away, "Even though you can't dance."

Axl giggled and rolled her eyes. "Oh, like you can you shit for brains."

"Remember when we used to dance to this in the army?"

Axl laughed again.

Her laugh made me smile. Her laugh made me complete.

"How could I forget, Jacob? It's our song."

End Of Flashback—

"Only you can make all this world seem right
Only you can make the darkness bright
Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do
And fill my heart with love for only you
Only you can make all this change in me
For it's true, you are my destiny
When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do
You're my dream come true, my one and only you"
My gruff voice filled the air as I held her hands in mine. "Only you can make this change in me
For it's true, you are my destiny
When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do
You're my dream come true, my one and only you"
I huskily sang, placing my forehead against hers; a lone tear of mine dropped onto her eye, causing her eyes to twitch. I wiped my tear away, kissing her cheek. "I love you, babygirl. Please wake up for me."

Slowly, Axl opened her dilated eyes and flashed me a small, exhausted smile. "I love you too, Jake." Her hoarse voice whispered, causing my heart to skip a beat. She's alive...

I hope you guys are loving the story because I really love writing this😌💕
Thanks for reading😘
Love you guys!
Stay safe out there😷
-kittycatlukey :)

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