Chapter 4

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Warning: language, violence, cult talk, etc.


After Dutch radioed me, I headed for Pastor Jerome's church. Walking up the steps of the church, I heard Jerome's voice booming from inside.

"...You are the One I praise..." Pastor was preaching, but I stood beside the church's front doors until he seen me. "Oh, didn't see you standing there. Good timing, Deputy. We need to talk. Can't tell you how good it feels to be back in Fall's End."

"I'm happy to be here helping." I beamed as I entered the church and walked up to him.

"I'm glad you're looking to do more here. We need you. As you can see, John Seed's making a lot of people suffer right now and quite frankly, I can't keep up. These people need me. They're my responsibility now. But that just means keeping tabs on the resistance has been that much harder. When you get a chance, head out east and check on our people at the Woodson Pig Farm. I haven't heard back from them in a couple of days and that worries me. We can't afford to lose a single one of our fighters." Jerome informed me as I nodded my head.

"I'll look into it as soon as I can, Pastor." I flashed a small smile at him and turned around to leave the church.

"Be careful out there, Deputy."

"Always am."

Once stealing a cultist's truck and killing the two Peggies inside, I made my way to the Woodson Pig Farm. Not being far away from my destination, my radio buzzed.


"Hey Mary May."

"John Seed and his goons nearly siphoned every last drop of our fuel. So, before things get dire, hijack a couple of Eden's Gate's gas tankers and bring 'em to Fall's End. It'll slow 'em down and keep us rollin'."

"I'll see what I can do. Dep out." I turned off my radio to get some peace and quiet as I pulled off to the side of the road near the Woodson Pig Farm. I began to rub my temples because a headache started to form; maybe I shouldn't have taken this job. Should I just hang it up? Fuck it. Wait. Hell no. Many people of Hope County are relying on me and I can't just give up. Sighing, I turned my radio back on, instantly regretting my decision and hopped out of the old pickup.

"Deputy! Deputy! Listen up. We got a situation. Eden's Gate rolled out some monster they're calling the Revelator— it's a damn tank. They're trying to take the roads back! There's a Resistance patrol sittin' right in its path... They need help, you gotta hurry!"

For fuck's sake. I can't get a break. "Yeah, yeah. I'll get right on it. Dep out."

Here's my plan. I go save the resistance members from the Woodson Pig Farm, deal with the Revelator, then hopefully I can hijack the damn tankers if I'm not dead first. Nevertheless, I snuck closer to the farm, scoping out the place with my binoculars when my radio buzzed.

"Deputy, it's Pastor Jerome. If you're getting close to Woodson's Pig Farm, be careful. Cultists will kill the hostages if they lay eyes on you. You gotta attack quietly— it's their best chance at survival."

"Gotcha. Johnson out." I grumbled into the radio as I turned the damn thing off; my headache was playing with my emotions right now and I'm not in the mood. I yearned for my cozy warm bed, but knew I wouldn't be home anytime soon. Once spotting all the cultists, I crouched down low, edging closer to the farm. Music filled my ears as I drew near. 'Help Me Faith' was coming from the cultists' truck beside the farm; speakers were in the bed of the truck blaring the song at max volume, which wasn't helping with my massive headache. I shook my head in an attempt to ease the pain, but it didn't give me any relief.

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