Chapter 37

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Warning: language, violence, etc.


I gripped my gun tighter seeing the twins take their helmets off; my hatred for them went through the roof just looking at them. They took Jacob away from me...

"Merry fuckin' Christmas, everybody! Santa delivered a whole damn train full of presents!" Lou shouted, staring at us, venom in her voice.

Mickey asked, "What do we have here?"

"Rabbits." Lou replied, smiling.

"Ohh.... tsk, tsk, tsk. I gotta ask you rabbits a question: the fuck you think was gonna happen?" Mickey asked, a smug look on her face.

I'd love to smack that bitch.

"Riding in on a giant hunk of iron... just clouds of black smoke." Lou stated, inching closer to us.

"You think we wouldn't notice?" Mickey questioned, glaring at all of us.

"What do you want?" Garrett asked them, his voice wavering; the sound of his voice gave away that he was scared.

I'm sure it tickled the twins to death.

"Barnes-" Thomas got interrupted by Lou.

"We wanna know if you're problem solvers... or problem makers..." Lou tried to intimidate us as her and Mickey were standing right in front of us.

"...What?" Barnes asked, confused.

This guy's a fucking idiot.

Mickey piped up, "Our Pops always told us that people either solve problems or make problems."

"The world's got too many fuckin' problems." Lou chimed in.

"We're lookin' for people to help us solve problems. Our problems. If you're a problem, we got you covered." Mickey scowled as she pushed Garrett onto his knees. "Food, clothes, guns... anything you need... Even health insurance." She slammed her helmet into the Highwayman's chest as the twins laughed; Lou and Mickey then low-fived each other.

They're insane.

I was the only one still standing and with my gun raised at the twins as Mickey strutted over to me, putting her hand on my shoulder, trying to force me to bow down to her.

But I didn't let her... I stood my ground, glaring at the bitch. Even though she was taller than me, I wasn't scared of her. I wasn't scared of any damn one.

"So, I guess we got a problem maker over here, Lou." Mickey scowled at me as my glare never faltered in the slightest; her hand was still gripping my shoulder.

"Put the gun down, Johnson. Just kneel." Rush butted in as Lou forced him to the ground.

Sam was beside me and Lou pushed him to the ground.

"Don't you fucking touch him." I snarled at Lou, my gun still raised. "I won't hesitate."

"Definitely a problem maker..." Mickey muttered, rubbing her chin as she walked backward, staring at me.

Lou followed her lead, standing alongside her.

"But if you make problems... Well... Pops taught us what to do with the problem makers." Mickey smiled a sick smile at me. "Old man solved a shit-ton of problems in his way."

"Problem makers need to be solved." Lou added.

"Hell yeah!" One of the Highwaymen shouted.

"So, rabbits... You all problem solvers or problem makers?" Mickey asked as she walked over to me.

"We solve problems! We've been solving problems all over this country!" Garrett chimed in. "We can give you fresh water, build shelters... We can get you anything you need!"

"Barnes-" Rush sighed, shaking his head. "Barnes, shut up!"

"You can build all that?" Lou asked, crouching down in front of Garrett.

Oh brother...

"Well... I... not me- but Rush here..." Barnes pointed at Thomas as the twins turned their attention toward Rush.

"Well, then you... are gonna be our number one problem solver." Lou flashed him a big grin, walking over to him.

"Go fuck yourself." Rush growled at the twin.

I didn't expect him to say that...

"Okay..." Lou giggled as she walked back over to Mickey; then, suddenly, she hit Garrett's face with her helmet as he fell to the ground.

Quickly, I pointed my gun at Lou and placed my finger on the trigger, but a Highwayman came out of nowhere a placed a 9mm to my temple.

"No, you don't." He grunted as he gripped my forearm, giving me a warning as Lou continued to beat Garrett's head in with her biker helmet.

The sickening crunches could be heard from his skull breaking and blood splattered all over her, especially her face.

"You done?" Mickey asked her sister as she stood beside her. "So... Let's try this again... You gonna help solve problems for us, Mr. Rush?"

"Hmpff..." Thomas let out a small scoff.

"Okay." Mickey said.

Lou walked over to me, her helmet in her hands. Suddenly, she pushed me in my stomach with it, almost making me fall off the cliff.

Pure rage filled me, but before I could land a punch on her, Thomas pushed me off the cliff; my first instinct was to grab Sam's wrist and pull him along with me.

"Save yourself!" Rush yelled at me as Sam and I toppled over the cliff.

It felt like it was all slow motion.

Sam and I fell into the water at the same time, holding each other's hand as we slowly descended into the river...

Thanks for all your support🥺 I truly appreciate it!
Love y'all🤍🤍
Stay safe out there 😷
-kittycatlukey :)

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