Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter twenty-one

Elayne was currently sitting in a rather large claw foot tub. It was filled with warm water and bubbles. Tom had left about an hour ago to go patrol. He had told her that he would stop by his dorm on his way back and bring her back a pair of his pajama pants and a shirt for her to sleep in. She had decided about fifteen minutes ago, that she would go soak in the bath tub.

She hadn't had any idea that there had been a bathroom attached to the room Tom had visualized. He had told her about it right before he had left. He had suggested that she take a nice warm bath at some point while he was gone.

Out of boredom, Elayne scooped up a handful of bubbles and then blew gently, causing the bubbles to fly everywhere. She had decided that she would stay in the bath until Tom got back with something for her to change in to.

She hummed quietly to herself as she leaned back against the tub. She sat there for what felt like hours, until a knock at the door caused her to jerk out of her daze.

"Tom?" She called out.

"Yes. I've brought some clothes for you to change into. I'm going to open the door and set them on the sink, alright?" Tom spoke, opening the door just a crack so that she could hear him.

"Thank you." She uttered, sinking down into the water, just in case he decided to sneak a peek at her.

Tom opened the door just enough for him to slip inside. He kept his eyes down as he set a pair of his smaller pajamas on the sink counter. His eyes peeked up at her for a moment as he slipped out of the room, gently pulling the door shut behind him.

Elayne smiled to herself as she quickly washed herself. She had left her hair up in it's ponytail, not wanting to wash it and deal with the wild mess. She stepped out of the tub, wrapping a dark green towel around her body. She made sure she was all dry before slipping on the shirt that Tom had left for her. It was a long sleeve button down shirt, navy blue in color. As she put it on, she giggled. The shirt went down to her knees. Tom was rather tall and Elayne was short, so it made sense that it would be so big on her.

Elayne debated on putting the pants on. She was sure that she would not need them since the shirt was so long, but then she thought about what could happen if she just wore the shirt.

With red cheeks, Elayne quickly slipped on the pants, also navy blue. She kept her feet bare.

She turned and was about to hang the towel up, when she was hit with another dizzy spell. Luckily, she was able to throw her hand against the wall to keep herself from falling. She closed her eyes, trying to will away the dizziness.

When she opened her eyes again, she still felt dizzy, but not as bad as it was just a moment before.

Taking a deep breath, Elayne hung the towel back up, making sure it was straight before turning and stumbling out of the bathroom.

When she walked out into the room, she saw that Tom was pulling back the covers on the bed. He was still dressed in his school uniform, although his tie was hanging loosely around his neck.

He looked up when he heard her come out. His lips twitched as he looked her over. "You look..." Tom paused, looking for the right word. "Adorable."

Elayne felt her cheeks heat up. She bowed her head and walked towards Tom, a small smile on her face.

"Are you going to sleep with your hair tied up?" Tom asked.

Shaking her head, Elayne reached up and untied the ribbon. She laid it down on the table beside the bed. Next, she pulled the band out of her hair, wincing when it snagged. She set the band next to the ribbon on the table and then climbed up onto the bed.

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