Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven

Elayne sat in History of Magic, with her head resting in her hand. Professor Binns was droning on and on about some random bit of history that hard happened at Hogwarts years and years ago.

As she glanced around the classroom, she noticed that almost half of the students in the class were asleep. She sighed and glanced towards Professor Binns, who didn't seem to notice that half of his students had been bored to sleep. Elayne then glanced towards the clock behind Binns' desk. There was only about five minutes left of class. Once those five minutes were over, she would be heading out to the grounds to meet Wyatt and his friends by the lake for lunch.

She watched as the minutes ticked by, at a painfully slow pace. When it was finally time for class to end, everyone started packing up their stuff, even though Binns was still going on and on, all the while pacing back and forth.

Apparently, it was a normal thing for students to just get up and leave once their class time was over. Sarah, who was sitting to Elayne's left, already had her bag packed. It seemed a bit rude to Elayne, but she didn't think she could stand another minute with Professor Binns. She glanced at him once more, while stuffing her parchment back in to her bag. He was so pale, that he looked like he was ill. His eyes were a dark, inky black. His white tuffs of hair flopped a little when he walked too.

She made a face as she stood up, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Most of the class had already left, it was just Sarah, Olivia, Kimberly, and Abigail, along with a couple of Gryffindor girls. Once she stood up, her dorm mates walked to the door. When they had all exited the classroom, Sarah sighed, saying, "I'm so glad class is over! I'm starving!" The other girls agreed and they all were about to head down to the great hall.

Elayne stopped them, however, by saying, "I'm actually meeting Wyatt down by the lake for lunch. He invited me this morning." She bit the inside of her cheek to hide the excited smile that tried to pull at her lips.

Olivia raised an eyebrow at her. "Really? That was super nice of him."

Elayne tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled. "Yeah. It was. So, I guess I'll catch up to you guys after lunch? We can all walk to potions together."

The other girls agreed. They all walked together down to the ground floor. The other girls waved to Elayne as they entered the great hall. Elayne waved back and walked out to the grounds. As she breathed in the fresh air, she noticed that the sky was a bit dark, indicating that a storm was brewing. It seemed very odd that it would rain in September.

Elayne shook her head and followed the path down towards the lake. As she got closer to the bank of the lake, she noticed that no one was there yet. She looked back towards the castle, but saw no one. She sighed and settled down on a big rock. Maybe the sixth year Ravenclaws hadn't gotten out of class yet. She looked out over the lake and decided that she would wait for a bit, before heading back inside.


Tom cursed as he stepped in a puddle of water. He had been in the forest, conducting some business, when suddenly the sky opened up and it started pouring. He had his wand held up; a bluish transparent umbrella cast over his head.

As he walked past the lake, he noticed someone sitting on one of the rocks on the lake's bank. He narrowed his eyes, trying to see who it might be, or at least what house they were in. He would love to take house points for this. "OI! What are you doing sitting by the lake in the rain?" He called, trying to catch this person's attention.

He walked closer, still not being able to see who was stupid enough to be out in the rain. He held back a groan when he saw a certain fifth year Hufflepuff. He took in the sight of her; she was soaked to the bone, and if he was seeing it right, she was shivering.

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