Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter twenty-three

As soon as Tom and Elayne entered the great hall, they made their way to the Slytherin table. Tom had a hand on the small of Elayne's back, guiding her towards the empty seat beside Malfoy.

Once the pair was close enough, the other four Slytherin boys looked up at them.

Lestrange's face instantly turned angry. Malfoy glanced between Tom and Lestrange, a look of concern and worry on his face.

Elayne sat down next to Malfoy, throwing him a small smile. Tom sat down next to her, throwing a smirk in Lestrange's direction. Tom then began to serve himself some dinner, the smirk still on his lips.

Elayne nodded at Nott and Avery before looking over at Lestrange.

When her eyes met his, Elayne winced. The anger he felt seemed to be aimed towards her. "What the fuck, Elayne? I thought I told you to stay away?" Lestrange spat at her, causing tears to spring up in her eyes.

Elayne opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Tom. "Lestrange, you would do best with watching how you're speaking to her. Especially while in my presence. Elayne isn't going anywhere, so I suggest you get used to her being around." Tom then went back to his dinner.

Lestrange picked up his goblet and threw it at the wall behind Elayne, causing a bit of pumpkin juice to rain down on her.

A squeal pushed past her lips as the cold liquid hit her.

Both Tom and Lestrange sprang to their feet, glaring at each other.

Malfoy quickly handed her a napkin, scooting down on the bench just a bit.

After thanking him, Elayne dabbed at the wet spots on the back of her neck. She was so busy with trying to get the sticky feeling off of her that she didn't notice Dumbledore walking over to them.

"Mister Lestrange, Mister Riddle, is there a problem here?" Dumbledore asked, an eyebrow raised.

Tom turned to the professor, instantly dropping his glare. "Yes, professor. Everything is fine. Just a small..." He glanced back at Lestrange, giving him a look that Elayne couldn't decipher. "Disagreement. We're perfectly fine over here, sir. Thank you for checking." Tom threw Dumbledore a charming smile.

Dumbledore stared at Tom for a few moments before nodding his head. "Alright then, if you're sure." He then turned, smiling at Elayne, and walked away.

"Common room. Now." Tom hissed at Lestrange. He reached into the pocket of his robes and pulled out his wand. His grip was tight as he held it by his side, making sure that Elayne couldn't see it.

Lestrange glanced down at Tom's wand, then glared at him.

The two stared at each other for a few more moments. Avery and Nott sat silently, with their heads down, eating their dinner. Malfoy was having an internal battle on if he should intervene.

Elayne's blue eyes shifted between the two. "Will you two calm down, please?" She sniffled, reaching up and brushing away the few tears that were rolling down her cheeks. "What's even going on here?"

"I told you to stay away. Being here is dangerous and you'll only get hurt if you stay." Lestrange hissed, turning his harsh glare to the small Hufflepuff girl in front of him.

"I. Said. NOW!" Tom spat at Lestrange, his knuckles turning white from how tightly he was holding onto his wand.

Moving his gaze back to Tom, Lestrange huffed and stormed out of the great hall, Elayne and Tom watching as he went.

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