Chapter Thirty-eight

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Chapter Thirty-eight

Elayne yawned as she stood in the entry way with Tom, their trunks sitting next to them. It was officially time to go back to school.

The pair were currently waiting for Newt to take them to the port key. It was barely four in the morning and it seemed like Newt was running behind. They had seen him briefly when they came down the stairs, but he had yet to reappear.

"Alright. Let's go." Newt said as he walked into the entry way.

Newt walked out of the house first, followed by Elayne and then Tom.

The trio walked out onto the sidewalk and then headed towards where the port key was located.

Once they got there, Elayne and Tom made sure they had a secure hold on their trunks before leaning down and touching the boot. Newt's gaze darted between the pair before he too touched the boot.

The whirling started and before Elayne knew it, they had been spat out on platform nine and three quarters.

Sighing, Elayne started moving towards the train, Newt and Tom following behind her.

They stopped about mid-way down the train. Elayne turned towards Tom. "Can you go ahead and find us a compartment? I'll be there in a moment."

Tom nodded and took her trunk from her, casting the levitation charm on both of their trunks. He then got onto the train, disappearing from sight.

Slowly, Elayne turned towards her father, who was watching all the kids run about the platform.

"I guess I'll see you in a few months then." She said quietly, turning to get on the train.

"Laynie! Wait just a moment." Newt called, causing Elayne to turn around and walk back over to him.

"What is it?" She asked softly.

Newt ran a hand through his hair before pulling out a small box from his coat pocket. He handed it to her without a word.

Eyebrows pinched together, Elayne opened the box. Inside was a necklace. It was a white crystal that hung from a silver chain.

Raising an eyebrow, she looked up at her father. "You got me a necklace?"

"Not just any necklace. It... It's supposed to protect you from dark magic. From any kind of magic, really." Newt began, taking the necklace out of the box and walking around behind his daughter, slipping it around her neck. "Grindelwald is still out there. His followers are out there. Even if you're safe at Hogwarts, I want to be sure." Newt walked back around his daughter.

"Daddy..." Elayne began.

Newt shook his head. "I need to know that you're protected. Dumbledore is Grindelwald's biggest enemy. If he should come to Hogwarts... I don't want to think about you getting caught in the crossfire."

Elayne threw her arms around her father, squeezing him. "I'll be alright. I promise."

Newt hummed at her as he held onto her, tightly.

The train let out a whistle, signaling that it was about to leave.

Newt nudged his daughter towards the train, offering her a smile.

"Are we good?" Elayne asked.

Newt dropped his gaze towards the ground. "We're getting there. We'll talk more when you come home for the summer."

Sadly, Elayne nodded. "I love you, daddy."

"I love you too, my darling." Newt said. He pressed a quick kiss to her forehead and gently pushed her onto the train.

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