Chapter Two

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Chapter two

Elayne had a hard time not looking back at Tom as she and Dumbledore went up the stairs. He was most definitely handsome. If she was being honest, he was probably the most handsome boy she had ever seen before. There had been some very good-looking boys at Ilvermorny, certainly, but none like him. His inky waves looked so soft and his brown eyes reminded her of chocolate. She had to bite her lip to keep herself from smiling. She most definitely would need to try and get to know him. Even though she doubted that a seventh-year boy, who was about to graduate and go make something of himself, would ever even be a tiny bit interested in her.

"Miss Scamander?" She heard Dumbledore call to her, causing her to jerk her head up and look at him.

"S-sorry, sir. I was a bit lost in my thoughts. What were you saying?" Elayne nervously tucked a stray curl being her ear. Tucking her hair behind her ear was almost always a telltale sign that she was nervous. It always gave her away whenever there was trouble at home and she knew something about it.

Dumbledore chuckled and shook his head. "I was only asking if you were excited to start here at Hogwarts. You know, you and your brother, Eliyis, were originally supposed to come here for your schooling. Your names had been written down since birth. But circumstances changed and it thought to be safer for you and your brother to attend Ilvermorny instead."

Elayne's head tilted to the right slightly. "I had no idea about that. Thank you for telling me, sir. You asked if I'm excited? Well... Yes and no. Yes, because it will be nice to see where my father went to school and to see how it differs from Ilvermorny. No because... Well... You see, sir, I'm not very good at making friends. It gets very lonely without anyone to talk to." She chewed on her bottom lip, looking down at the floor as they continued to walk.

Dumbledore put a hand on her shoulder, halting her movements. "Miss Scamander, there is no doubt in my mind that you will make friends here. You needn't worry about that much. Just keep your head up, my dear. You, in my opinion, were destined to shine here at Hogwarts." He smiles at her, his eyes twinkling.

She felt her cheeks heat up a bit. Nodding her head, she sent a smile back at him. "Thank you, sir."

Dumbledore patted her shoulder and turned, continuing the walk to wherever it was they were going.

After a few more minutes and a flight of stairs more, Dumbledore came to a stop in from of a gargoyle statue. He murmured something to gargoyle, causing it to move aside and a staircase to appear.

He held out his arm, motioning for her to go up first. "Ladies first." He smiled at her.

She hesitated for a moment but then stepped forward and started to climb the spiral staircase, Dumbledore three or four steps behind her.

Once at the top, Elayne realized that they had entered the headmaster's office. An older gentleman, older then Dumbledore, sat behind the desk.

Dumbledore cleared his throat as they got closer to the desk. "Headmaster, this is Elayne Scamander." He smiled at her and motioned for her to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of Dippet's desk.

Elayne glanced between the two and sat down in one of the chairs, nervously wringing her hands.

"Yes, yes! Welcome to Hogwarts, my dear girl. Let me just get the sorting hat and we can send you on your way." Dippet stood up and walked out of sight. He was only gone for a moment and when he returned, he had an old, weathered looking hat in his hands.

She glanced nervously up at Dumbledore, who in turn patted her shoulder.

Dipper walked around his desk and gently set the hat down on Elayne's head.

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