Chapter Four

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A/N: I apologize for any typos. I had one of my friends read this story and they told me there had been a typo that I hadn't caught when I had gone through to proofread. I hope that those who read, enjoy. :)

Chapter four

It had been a long first day of classes. A good day, but long. Elayne was on her way to the library, ready to get started on the little bit of homework she had. Once she had gotten there, she noticed that the library was pretty much deserted, aside from a handful of students. She figured it was due to the fact that since the weather was still pretty nice, most students were outside.

She sat down at a table more towards the back of the library and opened her bag, pulling out her Care of Magical Creatures book. She had had the subject as her third class of the day and seeing as how she loved magical creatures, she decided she would do the little bit of homework for that class first.

She set her book down on the table and pulled out a bottle of ink and a quill, then set her bag down on the floor. She opened her book and turned to the chapter that they were supposed to read. She got halfway down the page before a male voice sounded from behind her.

"I wouldn't just leave it laying around, you fool! I don't know what happened to it, but if I don't find it, someone will pay." The voice sounded very angry, maybe a little annoyed as well.

Elayne turned in the direction the voice had come form and saw Tom and Lestrange storming into the library, looking around. She watched for a moment before turning back to her book, not wanting to interrupt them.

"It can't merely be a coincidence, could it? Catherine was complaining all through potions that her great aunt's hair pins had gone missing. And Abraxas said he heard some third year Ravenclaw crying about a bracelet at lunch. Someone must be going around stealing things." Elayne heard Lestrange say. Her eyebrows furrowed.

She heard Tom let out an annoyed sigh. "And how exactly would someone get in and out of the different common rooms without being seen, you idiot? It's not possible!"

Turning to look at them, she noticed that they were just a few feet away, looking around one of the tables. She chewed on her bottom lip, not knowing if she should speak up about what she thought might be happening.

She decided that maybe being helpful would help her get on Tom's good side. "Do you remember how long ago it went missing?" Elayne asked, standing up from her chair.

Both boys whipped around to look at her. Lestrange raised an eyebrow at her, while Tom glared at her.

"Why would it matter how long ago it went missing? Did you take it?" Tom snarled at her, causing her to back up into the table out of fear.

Elayne shook her head. Taking a deep breath, she said, "I may know what happened, but I need to know how long it's been since you've seen it."

Lestrange looked at Tom, waiting for him to speak. Tom huffed out a breath. "I had it just a few moments ago. Less than ten minutes, I would say."

Nodding, Elayne picked up her bag and pulled something out. Lestrange tilted his head, while Tom raised an eyebrow. "I said I lost a ring, you fool! Not a bloody necklace!" Tom sneered, turning to resume his search.

"I know that! But this will help me find it!" Elayne snapped, tired of how this boy was always so mean towards her.

Letting the necklace, a shiny golden locket with an emerald in the middle, that she had gotten from her mother a few years ago, dangle from her fingers. She began walking around, slowly turning her head this way and that.

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