Chapter Thirty-nine

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Chapter Thirty-nine

The train back to Hogwarts came to a stop, signaling that they had finally arrived back at school.

Tom gently shook Elayne, who was still sleeping on his shoulder.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open. She brushed a strand of hair out of her face as she sat up.

After glancing out the window, Elayne turned to Tom and asked, "Did I sleep the whole way back?"

Standing up, Tom nodded. "You must have been more tired than you had thought."

The other boys in the compartment glanced at Elayne before hurrying out.

Eyebrows pinching together, Elayne asked, "What's with them?"

Tom turned and raised an eyebrow at her.

Standing up, Elayne gestured towards where the boys had exited. "They left in a hurry. Did something happen?"

"No. Nothing happened at all." Tom began, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Perhaps they were just ready to get to the feast."

Elayne hummed in response and grabbed a hold of Tom's hand, pulling him out into the hallway.

When the pair finally got off the train, they found the group of Slytherin boys huddled up near the pathway that led back up to the school.

They started to walk towards them, when a voice called from behind them, "Elayne! Elayne, over here!"

Elayne turned her head and saw that her friends were heading towards her.

A small smile flitted across her lips. She looked up at Tom who raised an eyebrow at her.

"Is it alright if I ride back up to the castle with them? I have a feeling that there's a lot to catch up on." Elayne said, smile still in place.

Glancing over his shoulder at the annoying group of Hufflepuff girls, Tom slowly nodded his head. "Sure. After all, I'm sure you're sick and tired of seeing my face."

Gasping, Elayne shook her head, sending her curls in every direction. "I'm not tired of you at all!"

Chuckling, Tom pressed a kiss to the side of her head and waved his hand towards her friends. "Go on. I'll see you after the feast?"

Smiling, Elayne nodded. She stood up on her tip toes and pressed her lips to his before turning and walking over to her friends.

After watching her hug all of her friends, Tom turned and walked towards his. He raised an eyebrow when he saw Nott with a note in his hand.

"I told you we would have a response within a few hours." Nott said with a smirk, handing the note over to Tom.

Taking it, Tom quickly read over it, a sinister look taking over his handsome features. "Excellent. Very excellent indeed."


January quickly melted away to February. It was currently February fourteenth, meaning it was Valentine's Day. There was also about a foot of snow on the ground.

Elayne walked into the great hall, a bright smile on her face. She had made plans to spend the day with Tom.

She skipped over to the Slytherin table and sat down in between Tom and Lestrange.

"What the bloody hell happened to your hair?" Malfoy asked from across the table, his fork halfway to his mouth.

Elayne ran her fingers through her thoroughly straight hair. "Well... Uhm... Olivia did it for me. Apparently, there's a new spell out in Witch Weekly. And seeing as how my hair is so wildly curly, she thought it would be fun to try it out on my hair." She nervously picked at a strand, her gaze going over to Tom.

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