Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

The sound of voices woke Elayne. Her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Just tell me if she's in here!" She heard a male voice shout.

"Young man, you best lower your voice! You will not shout at me like that!" Madam Harrison said back, her tone firm.

Elayne heard the male groan. "Please just tell me if she's in here! Please."

There was a huff, one that Elayne assumed came from Madam Harrison. "Yes, your friend is in here. BUT she is sleeping! You can see her when I send her down for lunch in just a bit." Madam Harrison said.

Elayne sat up, yawning. She still felt tired, but she felt better. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her bag, tucking the extra vials of dreamless sleep potion into it. She stood up and pushed back the curtain. Once it was all the way back, she saw Madam Harrison and Malfoy standing close to the door, seeming to still be arguing.

Slowly, Elayne made her way towards them. "What's going on?" She asked as she got closer.

Both Madam Harrison and Malfoy turned to look at her. The mediwitch gave her a stern look, while Malfoy seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

"Mister Malfoy came looking for you. I told him that I would be sending you down to lunch in just a bit, but he just wouldn't listen." Madam Harrison said.

"Lunch is about to start in just a few minutes! Just let her leave now." Malfoy said, his tone sounding annoyed.

Elayne flashed Madam Harrison a smile. "If it's alright, I'll go ahead and go to lunch."

The mediwitch huffed but nodded her head. "You've got the extra vials?"

Elayne nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I put them in my bag."

Madam Harrison then shooed the two out of the hospital wing.

As soon as they were far enough away, Malfoy spoke, "Riddle has been going nuts all morning. He never saw you at breakfast and when he asked one of the fifth years if you had been to class, around mid-morning, the answer had been no."

Elayne chewed on her bottom lip. "Why is he getting so frazzled whenever I'm not around?"

"Are you kidding? Isn't it obvious? He feels some kind of way about you, which is weird because he doesn't feel ANYTHING towards ANYONE." Malfoy said, shaking his head.

Elayne rolled her eyes and kept quiet.

As they reached the entrance hall, Elayne saw Tom standing by the doors to the great hall.

"I've found her! She was in the hospital wing." Malfoy called as the pair got closer.

As Tom walked over, Elayne noticed his face looked as if it were set in stone. There was a deep frown on his face and his eyebrows were drawn together.

"Hospital wing? Why were you in the hospital wing?" Tom asked, coming to a stop in front of Elayne.

Looking up at him, she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Well, this morning, I got to transfiguration early. Professor Dumbledore had noticed something off about me and asked if I was alright. I explained to him that I hadn't slept last night and hadn't slept very well for a while. He sent me to the hospital wing with a note for Madam Harrison. She had me lie down and then gave me a potion. As soon as I drank it and my head hit the pillow, I was out."

Tom stared at her for a moment before letting out a curse. "I forgot all about brewing you some dreamless sleep. I'll be sure to do it, as soon as lessons are over." He paused. "Come, you need to eat." He then gently grabbed her hand and pulled her into the great hall. Instead of sending her to sit at the Hufflepuff table though, he pulled her towards the Slytherin table.

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