Chapter Five

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A/N: I've added pictures of some of the other characters, so please go check it out!

Chapter five

Elayne was sat on the steps leading up into the owlery. She had just sent off her letters to her mother and brothers. On her way out, an owl had flown up to her with a letter tied around it's feet. Her brothers had gotten their letters out to her before she had been able to send hers. They had apparently written their letters the night before and had sent them out this morning when they had gotten up. It was now probably around early afternoon there, while it was almost dinner time at Hogwarts.

She had first read Leon's letter. It had been very lighthearted and silly, much like Leon himself was. Eli's however, had been a different story. His letter had almost immediately made her start crying. He had written her and told her about how a lot of the fifth and sixth years had not so nicely asked about her. They had all assumed they knew what happened last school year, but they were all wrong. She was used to being bullied by her fellow fifth years, but now the sixth years had started in and made everything worse.

Right when she felt like she could get up and head to dinner without crying, a tall figure came storming up the steps. When she saw who it was, she started crying all over again.

The figure was none other than Tom Riddle. He almost hadn't seen Elayne when he got to the entrance of the owlery, but screeched to a stop when he heard her crying. "Do you mind? This is the owlery. If you wish to be so... Emotional, I'm sure your dorm room would be the best place for it. Your loud cries won't disturb anyone there." He sneered down at her, stepping around her to enter the owlery to send his letter.

Elayne couldn't help the sob that escaped her mouth. She didn't understand why he was so mean to her. He didn't even know her. She heard Tom scoff from behind her. She turned and watched as he picked an owl and tied his letter to it's feet. "Did you know, that only people who have witnessed death can see the thestrals?"

Tom stopped tying his letter, turning to throw her a weird look. "What are you on about?"

Sniffling, Elayne turned her body more towards him. "You don't know what those are? Perhaps you don't see them? I'm talking about those things that pull the carriages up to the castle."

Tom turned back to the owl and finished tying it, then sent it off. He turned towards Elayne, crossing his arms. "I know what creatures you're talking about. I just don't understand why you are talking to me about them." He sneered and pushed past her, ready to go down to dinner.

Feeling a new wave of tears pool in her eyes, Elayne snapped after him. "Why are you so mean? What have I even done to you? All I've done, since yesterday, was try to talk to you, try to get to know you, but all you do is sneer and scoff at me. You always speak to me in such a hateful manner. I don't understand why." She had stood up halfway through her spiel, following him down the steps.

Tom stopped suddenly, causing Elayne to bump into him. He turned to her, his jaw set. "Watch your tone. I don't think you understand who you're speaking to."

"Then tell me! I've been trying to talk to you, but you always shut me out." Elayne said, shuffling backwards, moving a few steps back, so she was eye level with Tom.

Tom's hands clenched into fists, as his eyes narrowed. "I have no interest in speaking to you, no interest in being your little friend. So, I suggest you go and waste someone else's time."

Elayne swallowed hard. She spoke in a low tone, almost a whisper, "I don't believe you. I know that you felt those tingles or whatever they were this morning when you handed me my timetable. You want to know me just as badly as I want to know you, you just don't want to admit it."

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