Chapter Eleven

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Chapter eleven

The next couple weeks went by rather quickly. It was now the first Hogsmeade weekend and Elayne was feeling nervous. Wyatt hadn't come down early to breakfast like he normally did, so Elayne was currently sitting at the Hufflepuff table all by herself. It was a Saturday, so most students weren't even up yet and those that were, were probably getting ready for the upcoming trip.

Currently, it was about eight thirty and students were starting to slowly trickle in. The students who were going to Hogsmeade would be leaving around nine. Elayne had already eaten her breakfast and was just sitting in her spot at the table, waiting.

She didn't have to wait much longer because around eight forty, Wyatt and his group of friends walked in, all dressed casually and all seeming to be laughing. Unfortunately, the girls, who didn't seem to like Elayne, were with him. She watched as Evangline walked side by side with Wyatt, both of them laughing.

Dropping her gaze to the table, Elayne sighed. The past couple of weeks, since Wyatt had said he would talk to Evangline about leaving Elayne alone, things seemed different. Wyatt would almost always spend breakfast time with Elayne, as well as a couple evenings a week with her, but the thing that bothered her was that Evangline would be attached to his hip whenever he wasn't with Elayne.

Elayne glanced up and watched as the Ravenclaws sat down. She watched them for a moment before her gaze traveled to the Slytherin table. During the past few weeks, she hadn't spoken to Tom. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't really even seen him much either. Her eyes scanned the table for him and found him about halfway down the table. He was sitting in between Lestrange and Malfoy, all seeming to be having a serious conversation.

Tom suddenly looked up, instantly meeting Elayne's eyes. Elayne swallowed and offered him a small smile, before looking down at her empty plate. Even though she hadn't spoken to him in the past few weeks, there was a part of her that missed him. She didn't understand why she missed him, seeing as how their last encounter was borderline abusive, but she did.

Her gaze traveled back to Wyatt and his group. She didn't think he had looked her way once in the short time they had been in the great hall. She sighed once again, standing up from her seat. She walked towards the doors of the hall, a part of her hoping Wyatt would see and call out to her, but he didn't.

As she walked out, her dorm mates were just about to walk in. "Hey, girls." Elayne greeted, giving them a little wave.

"Hey! We thought you would have left already. Where's Wyatt?" Olivia asked, glancing behind Elayne.

Bowing her head, Elayne spoke, "He's eating breakfast right now. Are you guys not going to Hogsmeade?"

Sarah groaned. "No. We all put off that essay for Dumbledore and Abby said it would best if we stayed back and got it out of the way." She threw Abigail a glare.

Abigail rolled her eyes in return before turning to Elayne. "We're sorry that we can't tag along to Hogsmeade with you this weekend. I'm sure you'll have fun with Wyatt and his friends though!"

Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, Elayne nodded. "Yeah. I'll see you guys later!"

She then walked past them and made her way to the grounds, staying close to the door, so that when everyone was leaving for Hogsmeade, she wouldn't be too far off.

Elayne stood there for a while, just staring out over the grounds of Hogwarts. She only turned her gaze when she heard voices and footsteps coming towards her. As she looked behind her, she saw students filing out of the entrance hall. An eyebrow shot up when she saw Dumbledore in their midst. He caught her eye and winked at her, as he blocked the path to Hogsmeade. He proceeded to say that those with signed permission would be free to head down to the village.

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