Chapter Twelve

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Chapter twelve

The morning had passed quickly and it was now midafternoon. Eli and Elayne had gone all around the village, checking out the different shops. They had gone to the Shrieking Shack and made-up stories for how they thought it got it's name. They had come back to town and Eli was currently inside of Zonko's Joke Shop. Eli had said that he had wanted to save the best for last. Elayne had decided to stay outside, pranks and jokes not really being her thing. She enjoyed watching them get played, but she was never very good at pulling them off. She was currently leaning against the wall outside the shop, an acid pop in her mouth and a brown paper bag in her hand full of sweets. Eli had followed through with his promise and bought her enough sweets to last her until the next trip. Though, she had no idea where he had gotten all that money from.

Elayne's eyes scanned the street in front of her, watching various students coming and going. She was about to turn around and look inside the shop, when she heard someone calling her name.

Her gaze immediately found who it was. Pulling the acid pop out of her mouth and pushing off the wall, Elayne said, "What is it, Wyatt?"

Wyatt came to a stop in front of her, scratching the back of his neck. "Hey. Uhm... I was just wondering if you wanted to go hangout at the Three Broomsticks for a bit?"

Shaking her head, she narrowed her eyes at him. "Why would I want to do that? You've ignored me all day. You should go ask Evangline, I'm sure she would love to hang out with you." Elayne turned, intending on going inside Zonko's to find her brother, but Wyatt grabbed her arm.

"Don't be like that. Evangline is just going through a rough time. We dated for three years; we know everything about each other. She just needs someone right now." Wyatt tried to explain, hand still around Elayne's forearm.

"She doesn't have other friends she can go to? I find that hard to believe." Elayne tried to pull away, but Wyatt didn't let go. She glared up at Wyatt. "Let go of my arm."

As Wyatt shook his head, his tongue darted out to lick his lower lip. "Elayne, seriously. It's not what you think. You have to believe me. I'll make it up to you, I swear it."

Once again, Elayne tried to pull away, to no avail. "I've heard that line from you before Wyatt. Now let go!"

Wyatt pulled her towards him, opening his mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

"Let her go, right now!" A voice boomed.

Both Wyatt and Elayne turned towards the voice. Elayne sighed in relief when she saw Eli, standing not far from them, a bag in his hand and a mean glare on his face. A glare that was directed towards Wyatt.

"She has said, twice, to let her go. So, I suggest you listen, before I make you listen." Eli said, walking towards them.

Wyatt made a face. "Who the bloody hell are you anyway?"

"I'm about to be your worst nightmare, if you don't let go of her arm." Eli spat.

Elayne's gaze travelled back and forth between the two boys. She gasped when Eli pulled out his wand and pointed it towards Wyatt. "Put your wand away! Do you want to get in trouble?"

Eli's glare shifted to his sister for a moment before he sent it back Wyatt's way. He didn't lower his wand.

Shaking his head, Wyatt chuckled, pulling out his own wand. His other hand was still wrapped around Elayne's forearm.

"What's this then? Magic is prohibited outside of school grounds. I would think that being a Ravenclaw, you would be smarter, Reed." A voice called.

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