Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

September had passed by rather quickly and it was now the first weekend of October. Things had stayed rather consistent between Tom and Elayne the past couple of weeks. She continued to eat meals with Tom and the other boys during the week and would sit with her friends at the Hufflepuff table on the weekends.

The dreamless sleep potion had really helped Elayne with being able to sleep through the night. After the couple of vials that Madam Harrison had given her were gone, Tom brewed a large batch of it for her.

It was the first weekend of October which meant the first Hogsmeade weekend of the month. The other girls in her dorm were just waking up and getting around, while Elayne was already dressed. She had pulled half of her hair back and had tied a green ribbon around it, which matched the color of her dress. She had also thrown on a sweater, since the weather was now turning cold.

Elayne was currently sitting on her bed, knitting. All the other girls were in the bathroom, getting ready for the day. She hummed to herself, as she made sure to keep track of the number of rows she had.

When the others had come out, they all decided to go down to breakfast. Elayne put her knitting away and off they went, down to the great hall.

It was nearing eight thirty when they got down to the hall. As they entered, Elayne's eyes went straight to the Slytherin table, her eyes immediately finding Tom. He was sat, as usual, in the middle of the table, with the other four boys around him.

"I'll be over in a minute. I'm just going to say good morning to Tom really quick." Elayne said, speaking to her friends but keeping her eyes on Tom. He hadn't noticed her yet.

She waved at the girls and walked over to the Slytherin table. She gently tapped Tom on the shoulder, causing him to look at her. There was a small tug at the corners of his lips.

"Good morning." He spoke softly. He turned towards Lestrange who was to his left, and motioned for him to scoot over.

Elayne smiled. "Good morning. I'm not staying to eat with you. It IS Saturday after all. But I wanted to come say hi. You said the other day that you were going to be meeting some friends who had already graduated, right?"

Tom glanced around at the other boys before nodding. "Yes. Just a few... Old friends." He paused. "Before you head back to the castle, come find me. We'll most likely be at the three broomsticks."

Nodding, Elayne leaned down and peaked Tom on the cheek. "Alright. I'll see you all later then. Have fun with your friends!" She waved and walked over to the Hufflepuff table.


"Why do Hogsmeade weekends always go by so fast?" Sarah groaned.

The girls had spent the day walking around, going into various shops.

It was now around three in the afternoon. All five of the girls had a good couple of bags each. Elayne's bags mostly consisted of sweets, while the others had stuff from Zonko's and some from a few of the other shops.

Olivia yawned. "I don't know about you girls, but I think once we get back to the castle, I'm taking a nap."

Kimberly nodded. "I think I will too."

They were about to walk up to the castle, when Elayne remembered that she was supposed to go and find Tom.

"I'll catch up with you guys later. I'm supposed to meet Tom at the three broomsticks before heading up to the castle." Elayne said, looking back towards the little pub.

"You should be careful around him, Elayne. I know I say it all the time, but something just feels off about him." Kimberly spoke softly.

Elayne laughed, brushing her off. "I'll be fine, but if it'll make you feel better, I'll be careful. See you guys later!" She waved and turned, walking back towards the three broom sticks.

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