Come and get me.

Were you mocking him? He felt like he was mocked. But you were never a person that would choose cruelty. Had you been serious? It would be incredibly contradictory if you had been. But you did explain why you had to run away from his kneeling form. So what now? What does Loki believe? What should Loki believe?

Should he write a letter of him rejecting you? Should he write a letter of him accepting you? Should he march upon your front door? Should he ignore it entirely?

He would ask Thor for advice but he knows that his older brother would be less than helpful. Thor would probably insist that he wait for it to rain then knock upon your door for an added dramatic effect.

Loki only had himself, sadly.

He set down your letter, carefully folding it before grabbing his own bit of parchment and quill and ink to compose his reply. If he could.

Loki sat there motionless on his desk for what seemed like hours, trying to write to you. You had explained your side and he understood. He had nothing else to say. Well- he does, he just doesn't know how to say it, or rather write it.

“Master Loki, there is someone here to see you.”

How long has it been? The thick curtains were closed that was why he didn't notice the sunlight come through the windows. Had he fallen asleep on his desk? If so, for how long? He needed to rest properly, so whoever this visitor is has to wait.

That is until the servant spoke your name.

Loki felt his body jolt to a full state of awareness and his back straighten upon the chair he was sat on.

“Bring her in.” Loki said, standing up from his station, hiding your letter in stacks of books in the process.

“Right away.”

Goodness you were here. What in the world does he do now?

You entered his study nervously. This wasn't a good idea, you thought when you finally laid your eyes upon him. This was the price you had to pay for being so damn impatient. You felt your tongue get heavier the further you walked into the room. Your fingers were unconsciously fidgeting with themselves. You dipped your head in a bow when you stood to face him, Loki did the same.

It was both torture and bliss to finally see your face again. Loki had wanted to apologize for not being enough, little did he know you wanted to say the same thing.

“I received your letter.”

“It was an accident.”

You two had spoken at the same time. Loki coughed and trailed his eyes to the bronze and gold carpet at the center of the room.

“You hadn't meant to send it?” he asked, his eyes elsewhere.

“No.” you lied, voice a little shaky.

Loki nodded and folded his hand behind his back.

“I'm sorry for visiting, Thor mentioned you haven't left your study all night. I must go.”

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