Run to Me, Baby.

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requested by Infinitywitch28
yes the title is a hozier lyric shut-

“You look ghastly.” Thor had said one morning when he visited Loki in his penthouse. His younger brother was in his robes, slumped on his sofa while playing Shostakovich on his flat screen. The bags beneath his eyes were concerning, they were deep and purple, as if he hadn't slept for more than a day.

“Do I?” Loki asked sarcastically, looking up from his television.

“Something happened,” said Thor accusingly when he noticed Loki's blood shot eyes. He sat beside his brother and tried his best not be overwhelming. “Tell me,” he said softly.

“We are no longer an item,” Loki said, his mouth a straight line. He reached for a glass of brandy but Thor stopped him before he could pour one out. Loki sighed.

“What's happened?”

“Don't worry brother. It was perfectly mutual.”

“Was there any reasoning behind all of this? Last I heard you both were perfectly fine.”

Loki shrugged and fixed the robe around his shoulders. “We didn't have time for each other, and it felt wiser to end it than to suffer any longer.”

“But you love her? You told me you did.”

“I did. I do. I still do.”

“Then why did you not fight for it?”

Loki remained silent. Why hadn't he fought? Was he too tired? Was it hopeless? Of course it wasn't, you were happy. He was happy.

Thor stood up, his arms crossed over his chest.

“You kept it too loose. Too casual. You began with one step out of the door. You were both prepared to end it at any inconvenience,” Thor turned to look at his brother sharply. “I will not have you both suffer because you're both blinded. You have to fix this. You go after her.”

Loki chuckled in surprise and disbelief.

“You don't even know if she shares the same sentiment as I. You want me to look like a fool.”

“Better to look like one than actually be one.”

Loki sighed.



Emptiness. That was what you felt while staring at the window littered with droplets of rain. Not sadness, just that feeling of hollowness and numbness within your person.

It hasn't been long since you and Loki called it off. Two days had barely passed but it already felt like a month. You both thought it was the most logical and mature decision. It was at the time, but now you've an inkling that perhaps the both of you were wrong.

You both wanted it casual, nothing too serious. Loki had his own demanding business to care for, and you extremely busy with writing novels. To put it simply, you both were ready for a relationship, you just didn't have the time.

You had just sent the finalized version of the last book in your fantasy series which meant you had nothing to do for a while. You forgot what it felt like to not be occupied while doing work. I mean, you did write almost every day for two years, even while you were burnt out as hell.

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