Hate It When You Do That

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Short one-shot!

Because I'm still gathering my wits from Midterm exams 💀





The smell of blood and gunpowder lay heavy in the forest air.

It wasn't a challenge at all for Loki to deplete the HYDRA fleet by himself. It was all the more effortless with you by his side.

You had no idea when you and Loki began to gravitate towards each other when fighting. You were rarely paired together for missions, anyway. But, something about your dynamic with him felt easy.

It's like he's the only one who understands your movement. Every time you'd dodge, he would hit. And, you would do the same for him.

Neither of you really talk about it after the mission had been completed. Leaving things unsaid was your favorite language, after all. And, it seems like it was also Loki's preferred way of communicating— not communicating at all.

In a way, your guys' fighting style seems to be your own special language. You two were the only ones who understood each other clearly on the battlefield.

If it weren't for Steve's constant reminders and Tony's constant sarcastic remarks, you would've turned off your earpiece long ago.

"Watch it, Hulk!" You yelled over the intercom, suffering the aftermath of him smashing on a particularly compact HYDRA tank. Blood splattered in your hair as the agents got crushed inside, no doubt killing them upon impact.

There were stray bits of metal and dust in the air that distracted you momentarily. You fanned the air for a second, clearing your sight from any particles that hindered it.

Suddenly, Loki was in front of you, his hand slyly playing with a silver bullet. He tuts. It's one of the rare occasions where he acknowledges you on the battlefield where he doesn't send a warning signal.

"Focus up, agent." Loki says, tossing you the bullet. "You could have been hit."

And then he was off blasting his magic against HYDRA foot soldiers unlucky enough to face the Trickster God.

You kept a close eye on him as you controlled the soil beneath the driving tanks of HYDRA, allowing it to consume the vehicles and the men inside them whole. If it were any other situation, you'd relish in their screams. Today was a serious mission, though, as per Steve Rogers. So, you kept your theatrics hidden for today.

Loki, on the other hand, did not.

As he sunk dagger after dagger into the hearts of his enemies, he would flip with a flourish.

And, he would throw his head back.

To flip his hair.

Fucking hell.


The very ground you were standing on began to dislodge itself from the Earth. You were on wobbly knees, needing to steady yourself on an abandoned car. The ground shook, akin to something of a magnitude six earthquake.

Sokovia was falling— well, rising, on technicality, but the metaphor still stood. You were all on borrowed time. If Ultron manages to pry Sokovia from the Earth at a certain height, all of humanity is doomed.

If only you were strong enough to control a whole plot of a city back to the ground... this would've ended long before the panic would have settled.

Rescue aircrafts had just been green lit by Nick Fury. You and the rest of the Avengers just hoped that it would arrive on time.

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