Come and Get Me

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Dearest Loki,

I wouldn't know how to tell you concisely, for my thoughts are just as confusing as my feelings. Although, I must preface this by saying that despite your cold and brooding demeanor, my good opinion of your person remains untouched. We may have gotten off the wrong foot and perhaps butt heads every time we encounter one another (because of your arrogance and my bullheadedness) but that does not give me enough reason to think lowly of you. You are intelligent and opinionated, respectful and polite, just as a perfect gentleman. Accomplished in more ways than one, more than I could accomplish in my life. Handsome and educated as well.

I really don't know the purpose of me sending you this letter. I could have told you in person, but I suppose I'm not as courageous as I thought I was, so I figured a letter would suffice. It never occurred to me that you had seen me in a romantic sense. Because you are as contradictory as your physical form. Light and dark always fighting who gets to be seen the most. Beautiful yet tragic at the same time. Harsh but soft, I sense that you get my point.

You have treated me with the utmost respect and I could not have asked for better treatment. But that warmth you show me is quickly replaced with coldness in a matter of moments. From my eyes, you've never made your intentions clear to me. You kept making me look at you from left to right so quickly, I dizzy myself. It was never my intention to hurt you. Even in the moments that I felt myself angry with you, I never wished you heartache.

I apologize for being so improper and for any embarrassment that I may have caused you. When you asked for my hand I knew nothing but shock and confusion. It felt as if I had disappointed you. Why hadn't I seen your true intentions? I felt like I was at fault. So I ran and I hid to recollect myself and my senses. Now that I am writing you this letter, I see things a little clearer now. Not like crystals, but clear enough to know one thing.

You said you wanted me.

Come and get me.

Your Biggest Pain

It wasn't easy to seal the letter in wax and have your servant send it to the post office. It wasn't at all easy, it was difficult and stressful and it riddled your body with unwanted anxiety. In those last moments before you sealed it, you wanted to rip it apart savagely and let the shredded remains burn in the fireplace never to be seen by anyone. But you had the courage to have it sent to Loki's residence. Now all you have to do is endure the more torturous part. Waiting.


“A letter for you, Master Loki.” The servant bowed when he handed Loki the beautifully sealed letter in twine. He sent him away with a nod and proceeded to lock the door when he had noticed the wax seal was the crest of your family.

His heart was pounding in his chest. He didn't know what to do, what to feel. On one hand, he wanted to rip the pages into pieces and never read the words you wrote to him. On the other hand, he wanted to digest every single sentence you had addressed to him and perhaps visit your home just to tell you he read it. Both of the choices were incredibly tempting, but as he stared at the letter in his hands, he thought it was important that you had to reach out to him even after the unfortunate incident.

He carefully opened it on his desk, slower rather than usual. He had to prepare himself for either something dreadful or delightful. Loki doesn't know which feeling he wants to endure.

His green irises scanned over your delicate penmanship, analyzing each and every sentence you wrote, as if trying to find a hidden meaning in the very bold and forward letter. His jaw hung loose when he read the very last words.

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