England (Part 3)

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You and Loki arrived back at the hotel rather late, after the kiss, the both of you took a detour to walk some more at a nearby park.

You were about to enter your hotel room when Loki spoke up. "Shall we consider our trip to the museum tomorrow as our first date?" This made you smile.

"Since when did you get all plan-y and romantic?" You teased him.

Loki checked his watch jokingly, "About 10 minutes ago." He chuckled.

"I'd like that. Goodnight." You said and flew him a kiss from your palm.

"Goodnight, darling."


"Darling are you ready?" Loki knocked through your door.

"Nearly! You can come in if you want!" You shouted all the way from the bathroom. You heard the door creak open and shut and a little 'oof'when Loki sat himself on the couch.

You came out of the bathroom wearing a white blouse, blue jeans, black boots and a tan trench coay. "Is this too much? I mean it's just a museum so I-"

"It's perfect." Loki commented.

"Thank you." You smiled.

"Now let's go before the venue gets packed with tourists. You know I hate crowds."

"Unless you get to show off infront of them then you don't." You countered him, making him chuckle.

The two of you exited the hotel and hailed a cab to the museum. Apparently this was a Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo period museum because Loki was tired of the very bright colors and the lack of symbolism in other modern artists.

You arrived soon enough and Loki payed the cab driver before he stepped out his side of the car and helped you out at your side like the gentleman he is. You quickly thanked him and the two of you proceeded to walk into the big Gothic building styled museum.

"I don't think I've been here before." You told Loki whilst you were looking up at the arched windows and elongated roofs.

"Why'd you think I brought you here?" Loki answered you.

You rolled your eyes playfully and huffed at his comment. Loki chuckled softly and led you inside the museum. Already, all the walls were decorated with pieces by Michaelangelo, Raphael, Da Vinci and many more.

"Wow," You managed to breathe out. "They're so much bigger than I'd imagined." You walked towards a self portrait of Raphael. "They're all so beautiful. If they didn't have the plague I'd happily live in Italy with them. Wouldn't you agree with me Loki?" You turned to Loki to see him looking at you with such softness in his eyes. He wasn't even listening to a word you said.

"Earth to Loki?" You chuckled out.

"I am here, my darling. I got a tad distracted." He smiled back at you, tearing away his gaze to look at the piece beside it.

"Why don't we go to the Rococo bit?" You asked, clutching his arm as you wandered the various hallways in the museum, passing my sculptures by Michaelangelo and glass cages with Da Vinci's studies of human anatomy.

"Whatever my lady wishes." He answered and he led you slowly to a more brightly lit room with walls filled with soft and romantic pieces that were of pastels and bright colors.

"This has always been my favorite." You led him to a painting with a woman in a pale pink dress on a swing, flipping her shoe off her foot in a flirtatious manner.

"Surprisingly, mine too." Loki replied as he looked down on you.

You smiled. "Really? Is it because of the sexual undertone?"

"You think so lowly of me, my darling," He chuckled at your jesting. "No. I like it because every thing is significant. The two men have meaning. The shoe has meaning. The woman has a meaning. The statue has a meaning. And its all so very authentic. It's so light and beautiful and playful. The woman may be promiscuous but atleast she's having fun." He continued while looking up at the painting.

"You like authenticity. Makes sense." You hummed and rested your head on his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" His seafoam eyes looking into yours once again.

"There's a lot of liars and sell outs in yoyr profession. Of course you'd be tired of them."

"Very perceptive, darling," Loki smiled at you and sneakily kissed your forehead. "Why don't we wrap it up with the Baroque paintings so we can still go out to get some ice cream?"

"That would be lovely, Loki. Thank you." You smiled at him. Now thankful you have him in your life.

* * * * * * *

The both of you finished wandering through the museum and are now seated on a park bench, watching the swans glide at a nearby lake.

"Do you have your artistic mind recharged now?" You asked, digging your spoon into your favorite ice cream.

Loki hummed. "Although, I don't think I could ever go back into the museum again without think of you though." He leaned his head onto yours, his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you quietly finished your ice cream.

"Neither can I." You smiled up at him. You saw Loki's eyes get clear from doubt and fear. They were now filled with love and awe.

"Everytime I look at The Swing I'm going to be thinking of you." Loki whispered softly.

"Everytime I come to England I'm going to be thinking of you, too." You smiled and cupped his face. "This is where we started, and god forbid we ever separate ways. I won't be able to handle it."

"Don't you worry. I won't ever let you go." Loki brought his other arm over to enclose you in a tight hug.

"Promise?" You asked.

"Promise." Loki replied softly as he kissed you slowly and delicately in that park bench that the two of you will find yourselves in, in 5 years time. This time, you've got rings on your fingers.


LOKI IMAGINESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon