At The End of Time

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You remember how your stomach dropped when Loki exited the control room with that haunting look in his eye. You remember how you wanted to nearly vomit when he first step foot on that damned bridge. You thought he was going to disintegrate from the radiation.

You remember how hope bloomed and replaced the dread in your heart as Loki continued to push through and walk the bridge to the end of time. You remember how your stomach lurched and was jostled by an uncontrollable grief when he began to transform into the god he wanted— no, needed to be.

You remember how that grief turned into pride when he began to give life to the dying timelines with his bare hands. You remember how much he despised himself because he was always told all he brought was chaos and destruction. You remember how you wanted to hold him in that moment to tell him how utterly proud you were of him.

You remember how you wanted to rush after him to the end of time just so he wouldn't be alone. You remember when he said that he hated being alone.

You remember crying to Mobius in his variant's yard that day just after Sylvie left.

"I miss him," you sobbed into the older man's shoulder, a tear stain surely marking his beloved blazer.

"I know." Mobius replied, his tone somber yet comforting. He missed him too, but he needed to be the strong one here. You needed him to be.

You remember how tightly you clutched onto Mobius that day. You remember how empty you felt after your tears ran out and your lungs have exhausted themselves from heaving sobs.

"I have to find a way to get to him." You say, broken but definitive. You couldn't miss the look of pity Mobius gave you in reply.

"Would that even be possible?" Mobius asked softly, not wanting to shatter your world. You were only trying to cope with Loki's sudden sacrifice after all. "We're not gods."

"No, we're not," you reply, wiping away the tears that stained your cheeks. You sniffled and cleared your throat, strength returning to your core. "But, we have to try. I have to try."

Mobius knew there was no swaying your decision. You were just as stubborn as Loki, but more headstrong. Mobius knew there was no stopping you after the idea of going to Loki blossomed in your head.

So, with a firm nod, Mobius says, "Okay. I don't want you killing yourself over this. So, let me help."

You sniffled. "Thanks, Mobius."

"Anytime, kiddo."


You remember the countless conversations you, Mobius, and OB had in order to configurate a plan to get you to Loki. You remember how you counted the many times OB told you that it was possible yet impossible. You remember how he says that everything you need to do must betray yet stay within the bounds of physics.

You remember how you stared blankly at OB.

"There's no more Loom, right?" You ask OB.


"So, there shouldn't be insane levels of radiation out there because there are no mechanisms that require power, right?"

"There would be residues of radioactive energy," OB clarifies. "But I don't think they would be lethal. Not anymore, at least."

You rub your fingers at your temples. "You don't think?"

OB states your name firmly, as if to snap you out of your head. Yet, he maintains an aura of kindness. He remains to have the patience of a saint. "This has never been done before. I wouldn't know anything for sure. Right now, all he have are hypotheticals and theories."

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