Midsummer in Valhalla

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"Where have you been!" You asked- screamed at a very disheveled looking Loki. From his labored breathing and lack of clothing, you guessed that your friend has been messing around again. Pleasuring ladies with courtiers once again, that was why he was on the run. He may be a prince on Asgard, but a man is still a man.

"None of your business, my lady."

"Your business is my business since we were little. You cannot hide anything from me, Odinson." You eyed him as the both of you were walking towards the gardens. It was midsummer after all, the wind was cool as the sun shined brightly.

"Then pray tell what was I up to?" Loki did his signature smirk as the both of you settled at a secluded spot in Frigga's gardens.

"Doing something unholy with already promised women." You deadpanned.

"Not wrong." He confidently replied.

"You really need to stop doing that or you'll be a dead man." You replied, Loki setting his head comfortably on your thigh. You combed his hair with your fingers.

"Do I sense jealousy dear (Y/N)? Perhaps I should bed you as well as I have bedded those women?" You rolled your eyes and added a little flower in Loki's hair.

"There is no need for that, Prince Loki. I'm just looking out for my best friend. That is what I am to you, correct?"


"And friends should always look out for one another, correct?"


"Surely now you must understand why I always scold you."

"Yes to irritate me." He looked up at you with flowers embedded in his hair. He looked gorgeous, you thought but you shook that thought just as quickly before your feelings could get hurt from his rejection.

"Partially," You smiled down at him and the two of you relaxed in the garden until dusk when the both of you had to prepare for the final day of feasting for the midsummer festival. "We better go. It's nearly feast time."

"Stay, only for a few more moments."

"Loki, changing into a new frock is no easy task."

"A few more moments. Please."

You looked back down at him, you reached out and took his hand. "Alright, fine." You fought back a smile that was tugging on your face.

He smiled back at you, rubbing his thumb along the back of your hand absentmindedly. You thought it was cute. He probably didn't notice it; probably something he's used to doing, seeing his reputation. Nevertheless, you smiled in contentment before needing to leave to freshen up before the final grand feast in celebration of the midsummer festival.

Tonight, there was supposed to be a dance contest and whoever will win the contest, will be bestowed as May Queen of the year. All the ladies joining in would be ladies of your status. All of them in their flowy and pastel gowns, with beautiful seasonal flowers in their hair as they dance their way with the music. The contest was always a mesmerizing thing to watch. You only hoped you could dance as well as they can.

After a few difficulties and help from your handmaids to get your gown on properly, Agnes, your most trusted one, assisted you with your hair. "Another midsummer gone by, my lady." She commented.

"Indeed, and still I am in no mood to join the contest next year if that is what you are thinking."

"But my lady, I have seen you in winter balls, you dance just as well."

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