Did Someone Call for Agent Loki? - Part 3

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It feels odd.

Being in your home planet after running away from an organization who wants to either imprison or disintegrate you isn't as cathartic as you imagined it to be.

Technically, you're still on the run. But that blessed happiness or comfort of returning to Earth wasn't as strong as you yearned for it to be. You had sighed pleasantly, and that was the extent of your emotions of finally being on Midgard after a good few days of running.

“You don't seem excited,” said Loki. You only noticed now that he changed his clothing as well to fit the times of Earth. He wore a loose tunic which was tucked into his pants. His leather boots reached the bottom of his knees. Loki looked like a rich gentleman preparing for a day at the beach.

“I suppose not,” you replied. You flashed him a small smile, but that mournful look in your eye stood out.

“I thought you'd be happier to come home.”

“I thought so too.”

Mourning was something you knew how to do. You've been doing it all your life for your dear mother. Your father told you she passed a few days after you were born. You never got to meet her.

Perhaps when you were at your most curious to see your mother, your father had distracted you through self-defense lessons. Perhaps that is why he kept your mind and body active. To keep you from mourning a mother you never once got to meet. It saved you and himself the misery.

But now you mourned for something different: an end to an ordinary life. Even though your life had never been ordinary in the first place. Every week, the public would see an heiress running away from captors because her father was wealthy, but instead of terror in your eyes they see mirth and adrenaline.

Then what were you mourning?

An extraordinary adventure, you thought to yourself. Something for once I was clueless in.

“We'll stay for an hour,” Loki said. You nodded but you kept your eyes on the horizon.

The wind started to pick up, blowing little strands of hair away from your face. You closed your eyes and let yourself listen to the waves crashing against the rocks. Loki lay down beside you, he cushioned his head with both of his hands. For the first time, he let himself admire your form without making up excuses. Of platonic or romantic attraction? Loki doesn't know. All he knows is that he wants to be there when you do your “big thing.” Perhaps even shoot him a smile after you had done it.

After a big sigh of acceptance, you lay beside Loki.

“I'm going to have to present you to the Allmother soon,” Loki announced casually.

You made a face of distress, but still you faced the sky and not Loki. “No one said anything about being presented to the Queen of Asgard!”

Loki chuckled. “That's why I'm telling you now.”

“You know I think I might appreciate it more if you just threw me onto the Allmother's feet.”

“That would be entirely informal and inappropriate. Mother would not approve,” said Loki. “Never fear, Frigga is kind unlike Odin. And believe me when I say that she will do anything to keep you away from her ridiculously arrogant husband.”

“He sounds lovely,” you said sarcastically. “Still, I am quite petrified to face a goddess.”

“You've talked to me with no problem.”

“Yes, but you're you.”

Loki raised a brow.

“I don't know how or why but it's easy to talk to you,” you clarified.

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