I'm Not Actually A Vampire!

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This is a long one, dear readers. Brace yourselves.

Happy Loki day!!


The wind was cold outside of Loki's manor. It bit and it nipped on every patch of skin that was exposed to its cruelty.

The puddles of rainwater beneath your feet made the hem of your skirt wet and you prayed that your (hopefully) kind host wouldn't ridicule you for your appearance. After all, you had travelled a fair distance from your town. Not to mention the extra half kilometer walk from the gate to the door because a cowardly driver couldn't go any closer.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to visit the Lord's manor during a stormy day. It was tiring and it got your mind to be filled with doubts after what your townspeople have been saying.

You see, when you announced that you had sent Loki a request of invitation to visit his manor, and even perhaps stay there for a week, your whole family was— for the most part— alarmed.

“Are you mad?” your father yelled. “Whoever enters that mansion never returns. This is a suicide!”

“I know that, but you can't tell for sure that they have been murdered—”

“That man is a vampire! A parasite I tell you!” your grandmother argued from her seat. “I have known him ever since I was a young lady and his appearance has never changed. Not even a single wrinkle on his menacing face.”

What if that's the old lord's heir, and they coincidentally look incredibly similar?

“You cannot take your word back now. It is done.” Your mother told you, he voice strict and strained.

“I am aware,” you said, clearing your throat.

“Are you truly ready to sacrifice yourself for a news article?”

“That's a tad dramatic, mother. Don't you think? And besides, you know how tales go around in this town. Everyone is so terrified of everything! How could I take their word— your word? You all believe the tales spread around here and you don't even question it for one second. Yes I know my words are incredibly naive but the truth needs to be unveiled. I need to know,” you paused. “Everyone needs to know.”

Your family went silent, their eyes on the floor.

“You cannot keep forcing yourself to see the good in others, my sweet.” Your mother said.

You looked her in the eye and saw that they were glossy. “I'm going to return. I promise you all.” You said softly with determination.


The wooden door opened with a loud creak as the host himself welcomed you into his home.

This surprised you, of course. Why would a man of his caliber personally open doors for his guests? Perhaps he was polite, or maybe he lacked staff after all those horrendous rumors and stories about his character.

“Welcome,” he said, his voice deep and chilly. “I'm glad you were able to visit during this horrid weather.” His face was pleasant and masculine, but what got your attention were his bright blue-green eyes. They were positively out of this world, they were so beautiful.

“Thank you for accepting my request, Sir Loki,” you curtsied.

Loki grinned. “Oh please, I'm all for new faces.”

You did not like the eerie timbre of his voice when he spoke. It felt like a predator watching its prey, already planning its inevitable capture. It felt wrong.

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