I'm Here.

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Who would've thought so many bad things can happen in such a short amount of time.

The House of Odin started crumbling since the morning of the first full moon, and as it starts to wane, the more of his family crumbles into ash.

Secrets are revealed that challenged the bonds of father and son. A secret that could begin and end a war between two races. A secret that could destroy a living, breathing being into nothingness.

Loki Odinson— no— Laufeyson? Found out in the most terrible manner. Ever since that Frost Giant touched his arm, he became restless, terrified. He made up excuses and lies to explain what had happened to him until he could not contain it any longer.

He went into the vaults deep beneath the castle, where precious and dangerous artifacts were stored. For instance, the Casket of Ancient Winters. A relic Odin had won from the Jötnar. He looked at it, fright and terror bubbling in his stomach, the feeling of betrayal swimmed in his head as well.

Loki softly mumbled protests beneath his breath, shaking his head as picked up the ancient relic in his hands. He suddenly felt his body cool and saw his hands change from his pale, ivory skin, to a deep, rich blue with lines that seemed to form a unique pattern in his skin.

He felt destroyed and sick.


He heard his father whisper.

“Am I cursed?” Loki asked without facing the Allfather.

“No. Put the Casket down.” Loki followed and turned to Odin. His eyes— now blue-green— full of anger and hurt, looked up at Odin.

“What am I?”

“You're my son.” Odin tried to console.

Loki scoffed. “The Casket wasn't the only thing you took from the battlefield that day. Was it?”

“No.” Odin answered regrettably.

“Then why? Why did you hide the truth? For all of these years, why did you raise me with the belief that I was the monster children feared at night? You taught me that my true kind are vile and barbaric creatures knowing full well I was one of them. Why did you take me? Why?! Tell me!” Loki shouted desperately.

“I thought you could be an instrument for peace.”

Loki let out a chuckle of disbelief. It was filled with so much hurt and distrust. “It all makes so much sense now. Because no matter how much you
claim to "love" me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the Throne of Asgard!”

“No— Loki!” Odin yelled before he weakly fell on his own feet.

“Guards!” Loki shouted and he did not dare touch Odin.

Later, he locked himself in his chambers, shattering every little thing he owned into the wall. He yelled and shouted in frustration and sadness and defeat. He threw his items across the room, he broke his shelves, he shredded his books, he ruined his bedding. Still, there was nothing he could do to ease the pain and get over the truth.

God of Lies, better start lying to yourself then.

Your ears quickly reached news about Loki's predicament.

Although you were fearful, you still decided to give him a visit to atleast try and console him. Your feet took you as quickly as they can to Loki's chambers.

You did not announce yourself, you just shouted his name and knocked loudly for what seemed like half an hour. Your throat was raw as your knuckles were bright red.

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