A Ballad of Hope and Promises

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Hi guys!! I'm finally back from my first finals week in college!!

I'm sorry it took more than a week LMAO but I had to regain some energy and inspo before I could continue writing again.

Anyways, I'm back!

Hope you enjoy another part of this silly series!!

(Who knows I might make it a full blown novel)





Your first kill still weighs heavily on your shoulders and your heart, though that burden lightens day by day as Loki continues to be by your side.

As a bard, you've written countless songs and an unfathomable amount of poems, yet none of them has ever captured the truest feeling of love you feel when you're with a certain rogue.

Maybe you're going at it a little too fast. You worry that Loki may not be able to keep up, considering he did confess that this was his first serious relationship. You hope you won't burn too bright and blind him or chase him away.

Your doubts immediately disintegrate once you feel a meditating Loki curl himself even further into your form. He snuggles his nose against your neck, and you could feel him subconsciously breathe in your scent. It anchors him, in a way. And keeps him focused on his meditation.

You didn't need much rest anyway, considering you and the party were taking a break from travelling for a good few days or so. Sif also mentioned she needed some time to study the artifact you found in that hidden bookshelf just before the orcs attacked. You shiver as the memory of the orcs drift by your mind.

No, none of that now. You've been doing so well. That wound has begun to scab, soon it will scar and be nothing but a far off memory. No sense in picking at the healing wound right now, not when it could risk bleeding.

Loki stirs from beside you and he stretches his full body, much like a cat in daylight. He looks up at you with hazy eyes, though filled with something unfathomable. You dare say it's awe.

"Good trance?" You greet, moving your hand to gently caress his hair.

Loki hums, content. "My trances are deeper when I am with you."

You tsked jokingly. "Letting your guard down around me? You're getting unwise."

"And it's all your fault," he replies, bringing himself up to dotingly graze his nose against yours. He plants a quick kiss on your lips afterwards, a morning ritual Loki's beginning to form. You can't say you don't appreciate it, because you do. More than you care to admit.

You sigh happily when you feel him wrap his arms around your form. "I was going to ask if you'd like to go downstairs and have an early breakfast. But, I suppose that plan is... indisposed?"

"You're most certainly correct," Loki says, enjoying the warmth you provide. "Let's just stay here until the Sun is a little more than past the horizon, hm?"

You settle into his hold more comfortably, your whole body now facing him. "A lousy excuse to keep me all to yourself, but who am I to deny you?"


It had been a few hours since you and Loki decided to get up and get ready for the day. Steeling yourself for what's to come, you squeezed Loki's hand one more time before leaving the comforts of his chambers to meet your allies downstairs for breakfast.

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