I Love You (Against My Better Judgement)

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Heavily inspired by Good Omens!!

(I recently just finished crying about Season 2)

Hope you enjoy bc this is a VERYYYY long fic. I was too lazy to do parts so... Here you go!

18k words....

Also this is part 69 ;))))





Being a demon after The Fall isn't all that bad. You get to work as an ambassador for Hell on Earth.

Hell provided you an apartment somewhere in London before it was even called London to house you as you carry hellish tasks relayed by Lord Beelzebub, your boss.

Your townhouse style flat in London has stood since humanity began settling into communities, then fought wars to form countries.

Hell didn't even have much infuence in the territorial wars of men. They just figured greed out on their own.

Besides butterfly effect temptations in the early days of humanity though, you didn't have much things to do on Earth so you rarely stayed in your company provided home.

However, when humanity began advancing, that's when things got chaotic- a perfect environment for hellish endeavors. Beelzebub gave you free reign to do whatever just to push Hell's agenda forward, doing the most before Armageddon begins (which, to be fair, was a long ways away).

The tempting and manipulation got boring after quite some time, though. So, instead of mindlessly following orders, you acted as your own. I mean, the humans got worse and worse every century, you can just take credit for whatever sort of discord they managed to create for themselves. It's not like anyone from Downstairs is going to check.

"One pint of the strongest liquor you have," A man sat on the bar stool in front of you. He looked human enough, pale skin, dark hair, lithe figure, but something about his eyes was uncanny. He made you doubt he was human.

It is 1554 in England, a year after Mary Tudor seized the crown from Lady Jane Grey. Catholics and Protestants were killing each other left and right. It wasn't pretty, and you took credit for it.

"Coming right up, good sire," you said with an accent. You had to fit in the time, of course. You poured him a pint and slid it his way.

"I don't have to pay, don't I?" You could feel a palpitating energy of magic permeate out of him. You knew what it was, of course, you also used hypnosis on humans.

"I am quite sure you do, sweet gentle" you said with a smirk.

The man tilted his head, confused and bewildered as to why his bouts of magic didn't work. Not paying it any more mind, he slid a coin towards your way and finished his pint quietly on his seat.

You kept a watchful eye though.

His presence was so weird, you noted. Ever since he came in, the bar fights were much more frequent. And, it was not helping your establishment.

"Oi! You!" you yelled. You were slipping away to your office. "Yes, you! Black hair and green eyes. Come in here!" You pointed at him and beckoned him to enter your office. You closed the door rather harshly.

"What are you?" you hissed, dropping the accent.

"Whatever do you mean?" he replied, a smirk as devious as yours.

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