Heaven Be Damned (I Have You)

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So, I did a demon!reader x Loki

Ofc I have to do an angel one!

Still taking inspiration from Good Omens soooo ENJOY!!

This is 20k words... (I have a problem)

UPDATE: just edited and cleaned up some grammar stuff and added a new tiny scene!!!





You felt incredibly honored when the Archangel Michael appointed you as Heaven's ambassador on Earth. You had a jolly bounce to your step while walking the soil of the planet ever since the Garden of Eden was built.

There was something about Earth that was so appealing to you. Perhaps it was the humans or the vegetation or the other creatures God had created as His own little project. Perhaps it was the fact that it was less empty than Heaven. The Sun shone brightly but never blinding, unlike the fluorescent white lights of your Heavenly office.

Everything was just right.

It seems.

Angels were always told to promote goodness at all cost. Demons are told to promote wickedness at every whim.

Humans, however, have free will. They may choose to enact good or evil. That's what makes them so complex.

And, Heaven knows you love complexity. You were, after all, created by God to create and design alongside Him. Well, not as close as Gabriel or Michael or Uriel. But, close enough to be responsible for creating stars and galaxies and would-be planets and solar systems.

You were like Heaven's painter. There to create pieces for the human eye to appreciate and ponder the beauty of the Lord's creation.


Right now there wasn't much beauty to marvel at.

It was 1350, and you were stationed in England. The Black Death arrived not two years before, and yet, the death tolls just kept going up.

You were almost certain that this was the beginning of Armageddon. That one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, namely Death, was beginning to do their job.

But, Head Office said that it would be far into the future. So, you let it go.

You did what you can to help your neighbors and the people around you. You see, Heaven provided you with a flat to do your ambassadorial duties from while also sheltering you to blend in with the humans.

You tried healing any ill person that you came across. They would try to give you coin, but you would always refuse. You aided families who lost their loved ones. You donated to the local church. Still, all your angellic efforts were put to waste. The illness spread far too quickly and killed even quicker.

You were just an angel. Singular.

You resorted to praying for their souls.

Today was a particularly tiring day.

There would be days when there would be a lower death count, there were days where it would be worse.

Today was worse.

You needed a break.

Luckily, you were stationed near a wide stretch of greenery beside a lake. You took your walks there to appreciate the Earth. When the sky was less gloomy and the sounds of death was quieter.

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