Ghost Hunting (Unsolved x Crimson Peak)

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This one shot is not Loki x Reader but a Thomas Sharpe x Reader,,,, IK this is a Loki Imagines but I couldn't help myself ✌
"Well, here we are." Ryan breathed out as he looked at the very old and creepy looking mansion. You were filming an episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved with the Ghoul Boys- Shane and Ryan- and since you were a friend of theirs and because you resided in England, they thought it best to make you tag along.

"This place looks old. Like old... old." Shane pointed out as the three of you and the cameramen followed you.

"That's because it is," You commented. "Also this place holds so much tragedy."

"There's a like one family that lived here."

"Ryan'll explain it once we get settled. Listen, I'm a skeptic like you and this place gives me the chills."

The three of you reached the gigantic front doors of the manor, the door creaking excessively from the lack of cleaning.

"Ah, shit." Ryan cursed underneath his breathe.

"'Sup ghouls!" Shane greeted the supposed spirits before walking further into the mansion.

It was heavily dusty, almost every piece of furniture was either damp from the snow, filled with dust or crawling with insects. The walls were littered with graffiti but old Baroque-like paintings were not taken down from the walls.

"That's the Sharpes." You pointed to a big landscape painting with a scornful looking family.

"Should we start with the kitchens?" Ryan asked after setting up a static cam on the staircase and the living room area. You and Shane nodded and followed him through a hallway to the kitchens.

"Lucille, the daughter, supposedly poisoned Thomas's- her brother's- wives here. She hid it in the tea." Ryan explained, flashing his flashlight up the walls to look at the rotting cupboards. Shane nearly snickered but questioned his friend to humor him, atleast.

"But why would she do that? Is she a cold-blooded serial killer? Because that would be cool."

"Apparently, after Lucille killed her parents and inherited the money, it didn't go as far as she planned. She forced Thomas to marry rich heiresses from America and kill them her to get their inheritance."

"Well, that's dark." You commented while looking around.

"Nevermind, she's not cool. She's a shit person." Shane replied.

"The next room with the most activity was the Foyer. People said you can hear the piano being played there by Lucille's spirit." Ryan explained while going back and walked through a bigger arch of a hallway into the Foyer with a dusty grand piano and a horrific portrait of The Lady Sharpe. You and Shane obediently followed, your stomach dropping further and further from fear.

Shane mockingly shook his head at Ryan's explanation, irritating his friend knowing full well he's so close to shitting his pants.

"Jesus Christ," Shane said while looking up at the imposing portrait of Lady Sharpe. "She looks like she's about to whoop my ass."

"Lucky for you, she might, if you keep talking like that." You smirked at the tall man.

"I hope you do, old lady." Shane eyed the portrait before taking in the room.

You pressed a singular piano key out of curiosity and to your surprise it still works. As you pressed it though, Ryan's eyes fell more alarmed.

"Why? What happened?" You asked him.

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