Nights are Better with You

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Long fic alert!!!!! Around 15k words lmao goodluck readers

Hope y'all enjoy <33

(Author's note at the end mwah)


It wasn't easy running an inn, specially when you're the only one in the village.

Several weeks earlier, your father, Halvor, received a letter from the palace. Of course, everyone in the village was ecstatic. As a small community, you all shared your achievements and failures together, always cheering each other on or helping each other get back on one's toes.

"What does it say?" you asked rather excitedly, however, a tingle of anxiety bubbled somewhere in your gut.

Halvor scanned the parchment multiple times before saying anything, leaving you in anticipation. He still couldn't quite believe it.

"The Princes and his chosen men are to stay at our inn for a week, as a means of rest before continuing their campaign throughout the realm," answered your father.

"A week?!" you said incredulously. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, my dear. A week. There are less than ten people staying, we'll be alright. We've handled much worse." Halvor tried to laugh it off, but the stress is already getting to him.

"But they're royalty!"

"They won't be arriving for a good several weeks. So, my dearest child, think of the pay and not of the stress, yes?"

"Father." You deadpanned.

"What? Can't I jest to shake the nerves off?"

You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Alright, alright. We shall start planning after supper. Would that relieve your forehead of its wrinkles?"

You gave him one last nod before secluding yourself in your room.

Royalty as guests. How are you meant to live up to their standards?


"They're arriving in three hours!"

What a lovely greeting to start your day.

Halvor began hurriedly opening the curtains to let the shine of the newly risen sun wake you. You've always hated mornings, never had the taste for rising early and doing everything in the sun. Sort of a bad quality to have in an innkeeper, but hey, you've managed all these years.

You squinted as you tried to peel your eyes open and let it adjust to the brightness of the room. Slowly, you began to sit up and the second that you did, Halvor shoved a mug of coffee in your open palms. You stared at him, annoyed, eyes still squinting, and your hair in unruly braids.

"You'll need it," your father said, patting you on the back before leaving your room. You heard the thudding of his footsteps as he trudged down flights and flights of stairs.

Your room was in the attic, away from most of your customers. It conveniently faced East so you would always be the first to have the taste of the morning sun.

When you brought the mug up to your lips, your eyes now wide open but still blurry, you felt the instant kick of caffeine when the coffee entered your system. It was smooth and warm. The way your father made it makes up for the way he brashly opened your curtains, you've decided.

After finishing the cup, you began doing your routine: have a quick shower, brush your teeth, hop in a dress (a better and fancier one because you were greeting the princes), fix your hair, and apply rouge if you had the time.

LOKI IMAGINESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora