Much Ado About Nothing

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Because I watched David Tennant and Catherine Tate in 'Much Ado About Nothing' recently, this is basically what my brain came up with

Also I just like Shakespeare comedies and love Benedick and Beatrice a lot!!

Have fun reading!




It is always never made clear as to when your dear cousin would visit or vacation with the family. Spontaneity was always Fandral's thing. He could never follow a damn routine, lest Thor forced him to do so.

He was always on the move, wanting to explore the pleasures Asgard has to offer, fighting endless battles, winning said battles, then drinking to his heart's content among other things.

That was why you were shocked to hear of your cousin's visit today. Aside from campaigning with the realm's princes, as he often does, he also aims to make his visit an engagement party.

For he and his fiancée, Marian.

You couldn't believe it when your uncle, his father, Lord Sigurd, mentioned it when reading the letter he had sent.

"I can hardly believe it myself, uncle," you delightfully said, albeit you were still in disbelief.

"My son, a married man," he hummed. "I could be a grandfather soon!" He laughed heartily. Sigurd was overjoyed to hear the news no matter how shocked he was.

"What was her name again?" you asked. You wanted to make a good impression for your dear cousin's wife. You were going to make an effort to make her feel welcomed in the family.

Lord Sigurd unfolded the letter for a second time to take a glimpse at a particular line.

"Marian," he said sweetly. "Her name is Marian."


Thor, Loki, Sif, and the Warriors Three could almost see the golden peaks of Fandral's home in the distance. They have been travelling for quite some time, but are unable to rest or set up camp because of time constraints. Therefore, they had to endure the pain on their thighs and buttocks to get there on schedule.

"Not long now!" Fandral enthusiastically said, surprising the others with his optimistic energy. He directed his horse to go faster from a trot to a full on gallop, overtaking the others.

Their competitive spirits got the best of them. Suddenly, their tired demeanors were replaced with fervor to arrive at the mansion first.

Except for Loki.

He practically thanked the stars and every force in the universe when he was finally left alone.

Loki wasn't even supposed to go on this stupid peace treaty campaign. Thor insisted that he come but was intially dissuaded when he learned that they would be making a stop at Fandral's ancestral home. But, Frigga made him do it. He couldn't say no to her.

So, here he was, moping and grumbling in the woods because he has to go over and face you.


The marble white double doors opened, signalling the arrival of your cousin and his friends. As a formality, the guards announced their names one at a time as they entered.

"Volstagg the Valiant!"

"Hogun the Grim!"

"The Good Lady Sif!"

"Master Fandral the Dashing!"

"Prince Thor, God of Thunder!"

"Prince Loki, God of Mischief!"

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