In Safe Hands (Part 2)

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It was peaceful, just as you'd initially hoped. No one was banging on your front door demanding your or Loki's presence. No one was forcing their way in for a mandatory search about your home. It was quiet, the mundane forest creatures made no noise in the early sunrise. Perhaps they were as asleep as Loki. But you were entirely different. You've made it a habit to start early and retire late. It wasn't the healthiest habit but hey, it works.

When the sun had fully passed the horizon, you decided to begin making breakfast for you and Loki. Really, it wasn't much. Freshly baked bread, jam and fruit would suffice in your opinion, but just in case Loki's appetite was bigger than you'd expected, you set aside cold meats, cheese and crackers for him.

The table was now presentable, the cloth covering the light birch wood tabletop was pastel pink, white napkins and silver cutlery also decorated the table. You climbed up the stairs to fetch Loki for breakfast, and if he wasn't awake, you supposed it was more respectful to let him wake up on his own time and leave out breakfast for him.

You knocked softly at first, but when he didn't answer, you decided to open it just a tad so you could see what he was doing.

Loki was curled into a tight ball, his forehead covered in sweat, shaking as if he were walking through Jotunheim without any clothes. His eyebrows were furrowed, in anger or concern, you don't know. Unrecognizable chants also came from his mouth, they didn't sound like spells he would cast, no, they sounded like endless pleas for relief.

It would be cruel to leave him in this state, trapped in his own mind, reliving the trauma and torture he barely escaped. You walked up to his bed and sat near his head. You touched his arm, but he didn't seem to recognize your touch. You then shook it to wake him from this dreaded nightmare.

“Loki...” you said softly, shaking his arm.

“Loki.” you said a little louder.


His eyes snapped open and held your wrist so tightly in his hand you swore it would bruise to the bone. You let him breathe and set himself back into reality before saying anything. His eyes looked to your form then frantically to the pastel green and blue walls that surrounded him. He wasn't in the hands of Thanos anymore, he was in your care now. He was safe. He is safe. Slowly, he loosened his grip on your wrist and sat up in his bed.

“I'm sorry,” Loki said when he saw you rubbing your wrist to relieve some pain and maybe even ease the bruising.

“It's alright,” you reassured him, rubbing small circles on his thigh. “Breakfast is ready. Come on.” Loki nodded and readied himself for the day before following you downstairs.

“What time is it?” Loki asked when the both of you have sat on the table.

“Half past nine. Perfect breakfast time if you ask me.” You served yourself some bread and a glass of fruit juice that was light pink in color.

Loki sped through three slices of bread with no problem and seemed dissatisfied with his fourth. Even after finishing his fruits, his stomach felt half full. Still, he was hesitant to ask for more.

“I set you aside some cheese and cured meats,” you declared when he finished his plate. “Just in case it wasn't enough.” You fetched a tray from your ice box and placed it in front of him.

“Loki I hope you know there is nothing wrong in asking. I'm not going to haul you out of my house if and when you decide to make a request. I said I was willing to help you. You don't have to think twice to ask for my assistance,” you told him. “I'm not your maid though.” you added and Loki chuckled.

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