I Like You Better (Than Him)

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Doctor Who x MCU Crossover bc the author (Me) is a huge nerd

Also in honor of the 60th anniversary!





Ahhh! Aliens!


As a child, you've been constantly afraid of The Unknown. What was living in the deepest depths of the sea. What was creeping in abandoned mines. What was floating up in space. You didn't care to know. You didn't want to. It gave you the heebie-jeebies.

That fear was constantly challenged when you began travelling with a Gallifreyan piece-of-shit time lord who claimed to have regenerated for eleven times, and as he promised, will keep regenerating until he gloriously dies in one of his missions or of old age (which would be impressive, by his standards).

It wasn't against your will to join the Doctor, but it was also not your first choice as a secondary career path.

You had heard a foreign noise in your neighbor and friend, Amy Pond's backyard one night. It sounded like a rattly old engine she was haphazardly trying to fix and simultaneously start up. You shortly popped over to her place to ask if she needs help.

You didn't find her though, nor did you see any engine acting up. Instead, you saw a blue police box. It was odd enough to see it in Amy's yard, even more odd that it was appearing and reappearing in real time.

Turns out, it wasn't a police box at all.

It was a time travelling machine called the TARDIS that has a limit of nothing.

You didn't know Amy was already acquainted with the Doctor, so you were a little perplexed as to why she was inviting you to come along on a trip in the weird police box.

You thought she was mad.

Perhaps, she was.

You weren't prepared for how much running you had to do as the Doctor's third companion. You see, Amy also brought her boyfriend— fiancé, Rory, along. Well, you figured Rory most likely wormed his way on the TARDIS to protect Amy more than the previous suggestion.

"I thought the point of having a time machine was so that we can escape quicker!" You yelled while running away from vampiric aliens in medieval Venice, Italy.

You all formed a plan. It was cohesive enough.

Then, there was no plan.

Amy infiltrated them in their supposed school.

Rory was nowhere to be found.

You and the Doctor were first on their 'to kill' list.

"Parked it a long way's away!" exclaimed the Doctor, who he was also running. His lanky legs gaining more speed and surface area than yours. It was kind of unfair, even though he claims regeneration to be a lottery. He was winning at least 50 pounds every time he scratched a card.

"What would you do that for?!"

"Would be no fun if there was no chase now, would it?" said the Doctor, having incredibly boyish fun whilst running away from certain death. He was madly exhilarated.

You were not.

"Fuck your fun! I wanna live!"

The Doctor almost laughed maniacally. "Yes! That's right! Keep that spirit up!"

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