Until I Am Enough

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Okay I caved.

Another Dungeons and Dragons based one-shot but the reader is an Oathbreaking Paladin for extra angst

Loki and the Gang stays the same! Loki is a Rogue Arcane Trickster; Sif, Fandral, and Hogun are Fighters; Thor and Volstagg are Barbarians!

Hope you enjoy!





As your sword grazes Wanda Maximoff's chin, you hear the violent whispers of your god.


Wanda looks at you with such defiance even in her defeat. She had been thoroughly dirtied with soil as she faced blow after blow from you and your allies. It wasn't meant to be like this— to end like this.

Wanda had been your closest friend— hells, you'd even consider her a sister. But, her pact with the devil made her spiral into something she was not supposed to be.

She began as a humble Warlock, drawn to the promise of power the devil had offered her. Wanda thought she could even do good with the power she was offered. Make sure mothers and wives didn't end up like her. But, desperation coursed through her veins as did greed. Wanda wanted— no— needed her family back. And she was willing to do anything and everything just to get them back.

With her rotten fingers digging into the dirt below her, she lays there heaving and bloodied, all her magic spent from the drawn out fight you had with her.

"Enough, Wanda," you say, your voice jagged from exhaustion. She really put up one hell of a fight. "Cooperate with us, please. I don't want to see you get any more hurt."

Wanda chuckles with disdain, a low rumble in her chest. It probably hurt her to do so, but she didn't care. "There is no saving me," she says to you. "You can't save me without saving my family."

"Your family is dead—"

"They are alive to me! Alive on another plane of existence! One that you forbade me to enter!" Wanda screamed with all the strength she had left, then promptly collapsed back on her back, heaving breaths of exhaustion. She spits out some blood, tipping her head to the side before returning her searing gaze to yours.

"Wanda," you say gently, cautiously. "You may still live without them. They would want you to live on without them."

Wanda's face contorts into something you couldn't describe. Was it a dawning realization? Was she finally breaking out of her own delusion? You wouldn't know for certain. Though, some part of you hoped that that was the case. You loosened your grip on your sword, but you still kept the blade close enough to her in case she tried something drastic.

"...Maybe." She speaks after a few moments. You see her eyes get glassy with tears. "Maybe... I could."

Just when you were about to sigh in relief, you see a faint dark red glow emanating from her hand. She eyes Loki in her peripheral, ready to strike a killing blow of Eldritch Blast. With Loki's injured state, you knew he wouldn't survive it.

"No!" You yell loudly in desperation. Your attention was on Wanda yet your eyes were locked on Loki's unaware form.

It was all a blur from that point.

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