The Night Before

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Because I cried to "A.M." by 1D,,, here's a fic sort of inspired by that song.

So let me set up the story a bit bc the tension here is kind of complicated:

Loki and reader got married but it was arranged and only for convenience

Thats all

I hope you all enjoy!!
Loki heared soft footfalls behind him. They were slow and cautious, almost apprehensive. Perhaps the person did not want to disturb him or perhaps they merely wanted to watch him intently. Whatever the reason, Loki payed them no mind, his eyes still trained into the horizon, the sun not even peaking through. The sky still littered with stars. It was too late and early for anyone to be awake.

He and his brother along with soldiers were set to ride into battle that dawn against a notorious group of barbarians. The ones big enough to pose a threat to the crown. And Odin, of course, wants this to be eliminated quickly.

Loki was never really afraid or anxious when riding off to war. He was used to it. But this time, he felt different. He felt as if he was leaving something behind. Something important. And now he has the strong urge to succeed and live through this fight. When other times he did not care. "Live fast, die young", is what he'd usually say when he finally risen from his hospital bed after sustaining a threatening injury.

"You were not beside me, so I figured you were out here." you said softly, approaching your husband on the balcony.

"I did not mean to wake you. Go, and sleep some more. I will wake you before I leave." said Loki, a little too intense than he would've liked.

"I'm far too anxious. It's useless, I won't be able to get a wink of sleep." you confessed, tightening your shawl around your shoulders. The wind was far too bitter, far too cold for your nightgown.

"You are safe within the palace walls. You have nothing to be anxious about."

"I am not anxious for my well being, Loki." This seemed to grasp his attention. He looked at you for the first time since you stood beside him. He could read your face easily, which he despised himself for, and what he saw in your tired eyes was nothing but truthfulness. Yet, he did not want to believe it. He ignored it. So he said nothing.

"I am very much aware that you do not like me, husband. You are not fond of me and I think you never will be," you admitted out loud for the first time. "But if I had a choice to have you or no one by my side? Well, you'd best believe that I would choose your cold company than none at all. I have lost far too many people in my young life. And I would very much like to not add onto that list. So please, please be safe in your travels. Protect yourself and others as much as possible."

You hadn't realized that your tears were falling down the side of your cheeks. Your eyes were wide and glossy whilst looking up into Loki's icy cold blue-green irises.

Loki did not know what came over himself when he held your hand in his and pulled you closer to his torso. Protectively holding you into his side while his other hand rubs circles onto your back to quiet your choked sobs.

"I am sorry." Loki said, sadly.

"No. I am sorry. I did not mean to be such a mess." you replied.

"I don't think you understand me. I am sorry if you ever felt like I was not fond of you, dearest wife. It is my fault that I did not make you feel more protected, more comfortable or loved ever since our fates were tied together. Even though we married solely for convenience, that does not give me the right or excuse not to cherish you. I failed as a husband. I wish to do better. When I return, I will treat you better. I will treat you like the princess you've always been." said Loki truthfully while still holding you in his arms.

"There is no need, Loki. I have accepted my fate. You do not have to lie to me." you chuckled sarcastically, wiping a tear away from your cheek.

"Would our lives not be easier in eternity if we actually favored one another?" He was met with silence. You could not speak or retaliate a comment. Because he was right.

"I am willing to try us out, if you are."

"Are you alright, Loki? This does not sound like the man I married. He sounds soft and genuine this night." you replied.

"Perhaps that man had changed. Perhaps."

You smiled. "There he is," you said, almost longingly. "It seems you are right. When you come back- when not if because you are certainly coming back or I will chase you in Valhalla- I am willing to try." you continued, sincerely.

"Considering you do have some likeable traits. Some, mind you," Loki rolled his eyes. "Perhaps it might not be dreadful if we were partners in crime."

"You are not as intolerable as I first judged you to be," it was now your turn to roll your eyes. "Maybe we could work together." The two of you grinned, not as friends but as a wedded couple, ready to take on new challenges.

By the end of Loki's statement, the sun began to peak through the horizon, meaning it was only a few moments before Thor and the other soldiers would wake for their departure.

"The men would wake soon." Loki calmly said.

"I know. Then you have to go," you sighed. "Can we stay here until you do?" you asked him hopefully.

"Of course, darling." He kissed your head and held your body closer to his.
That was a bit shorter than expected but thank you for reading this part!!



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