So, We Meet Again...

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Tony Stark was planning to host an auction and a cocktail style after party, where all of the proceeds go to much needed charities in the tri-state area.

All of his Avenger pals are required to go in order to 'woo' and 'ease' the crowd in to donate as much money as possible. Sneaky or clever, we will never know what truly goes on in the philanthropist's head.

All of the Avengers, including the "reformed villain" Loki, who was currently staying on Midgard to complete his sentence. Of course his brother Thor was ecstatic to see his brother be included in all these Earthly events, but Loki was annoyed as ever.

"No." Loki said out loud when Thor entered the room. He was sitting on the couch, reading a novel while a cup of tea floats beside him.

"I haven't said anything." Thor replied nonchalantly.

"You didn't have to." Loki responded, annoyed.

"Come on, brother. It's one event! There'll be food and wine a-and women!" Thor tried to convince his brother.

A sensitive nerve was struck in Loki's person, but decided to bury it deep and try to forget it. "Unlike you, I am not fuelled by these things. I value my time and space. I do not need to attend Stark's event." Loki argued.

"But brother you haven't enjoyed yourself in a while. I worry for you."

He wanted to say: Take your worries elsewhere.

But, "What makes you say I'll enjoy myself at this event?" came out.

"Guess you'll just have to find that out yourself." Thor left and let his words linger and sizzle in the air. He knew his brother well, that's why he was confident when he left the room. He knew Loki was going to bite the bait and he couldn't wait to see what happens next.


It's around 9pm, the initial auction has ended and the cocktail party has just begun. Loki struts in fashionably late in an all black suit Tony provided for him. Apparently it was luxury Midgardian brand, although it didn't feel like luxury to him. The suit he was wearing tonight was no match to the Asgardian silks and leathers he wore back home.

"I'm honestly surprised you came, Reindeer Games!" Tony Stark greeted him from behind, he was holding a champagne glass that was almost empty and Loki knew that it wasn't the billionaire's first glass of the night.

"Don't flatter yourself, Anthony. Thor forced me." Loki replied plainly, grabbing a glass of bubbly when a waiter passed by him.

"Nevertheless, you're here! Enjoy yourself! Let loose for once goddammit. But don't cause any mischief or I swear to God, Loki." Tony warned.

"I make no promises." Loki smirked slyly before going off to find his brother and perhaps taunt him just for fun.

Thor wasn't too deep into the slightly tipsy crowd. He saw a mess of blonde hair off to side and he seems to be talking to a woman. Loki grinned, thinking of more ways to tease and taunt his brother. Loki stood by at a distance, eavesdropping.

"Didn't you have a brother, Thor?" The woman asked, curiously.

"Yes. Yes I do, my lady," Thor looked around, his eyes scanning the crowd for his brother. He smiled when he saw Loki standing at a distance. "In fact, he's actually here."

The woman's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, masking the shock, dread and panic in her eyes. "H-Here? What do you mean here? Isn't he supposed to be on Asgard?"

"Brother! Brother!" Thor called out loudly, dragging the woman he was talking with behind him.

Loki's eyes sparked in mischief to see his oaf of a brother walk towards him. "Thor." Loki greeted plainly.

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