139. proud

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i forgot to tell you something this morning

what is it?

you should be proud of yourself

god i'm so lucky to even talk to you

don't flatter me


i'm red

shut up

i'm serious

you're so talented, funny, smart, handsome, and over everything else, you're a good person

i'm never gonna get tired of telling you how amazing you are

i'm just a normal guy that was chosen to be part of a boyband

do you believe in fate?

i don't think it was fate

maybe i was lucky

do you believe or not?


not the answer i wanted but i can work with that

you know the butterfly effect?

great movie

omg i knoooow

i love it

we should watch it next time


but i didn't mean that

i meant that something so small like a butterfly or an irrelevant decision could change things in a much bigger scale

so if fate actually does exist, this life was made for you because all the decisiones you took led you to this point

if all the decisiones i made took me to being with you, then i blindly believe in fate


that's the thing

maybe this is how it is supposed to happen

everything was set for you to live this moment

what if fate doesn't exist and this is just a casualty?

don't ruin my beautiful speech

i'm just thinking

why the fuck would fate want me to meet someone so irritatingly messy and stubborn??

who are you talking about?

better think before you say it

you know who i mean

i'm giving you a chance to say any other name but mine

i'm sorry

it's still you

of course

i almost forgot, how did your big entrance go?

everyone turned around to look at me as i got out of the car

the looks on their faces communicated with a gaze that they had recognized me






it's just a girl coming out of a black jeep

the car is cool but nobody cares

next time i'm taking my car

oh no baby

you're not taking me to college ever again


i thought you enjoyed the car ride

i did

but the make out session was unnecessary

i was almost late


and i didn't hear you saying no

you're a distraction

hate the game, not the player

and thanks for what you said

what exactly?

that i should be proud of myself

it's nothing

i love you sunshine

that was so weird

what was weird?

giving you a nickname

i like it



reminds me of when you try to wake me up

and now look at you

waking up way before me to go for runs

some people are just crazy

you'll come with me someday

whatever you say sunshine <3

it would be good for you to run some miles

what the hell is that supposed to mean?

i didn't mean your appearance, you're perfect that way

i just wanna see if you could catch up

i'll tell you: i cannot

we can go for a run on saturday and see

what do you think?

i think you're out of your mind

i don't do running

i'll insist some other day

why don't you work out and i watch you?

ooooh that's a good view

that's all you would do? look at me?

i mean, i'm flattered

i'm exercising my eyes baby

that makes way more sense

i know

gotta leave

talk later

i love you

i love you too

take care

Wrong Number [2018] Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now