69. communication junkie

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did you get home safe?

harry, you literally saw me getting in

just wanted to make sure nobody murdered you inside your house

i'm safe and sound

great, did you enjoy today?

of course, especially the free frappuccino

thank you btw


next time i'll invite you

thank you

always ;)

no, really

thank you for coming with me today and making my day better

also i'm sorry that i couldn't tell you anything yet


don't be sorry for that

i told you i'll be here no matter what

i really appreciate it

but you can count on me

even if i get in trouble with my parents

ow i forgot about that

did they ask too many questions?

just the usual

what is the usual?

who's that mercedes in our driveway?

is that jaden?

why didn't you tell us where you were going????

why would they think it was your ex?

because they still don't know he's my ex


i didn't tell them i broke up with him

or that he cheated on me

you never told me about that

bc i have no idea what to do

why haven't you told them yet?

i don't want them to feel disappointed


he was perfect for them, ok harry?

he was cute, funny, nice, made my mum laugh

and he was also really cautious with my dad so even he liked jaden

he's the one who cheated on you, he should feel bad, not you angel

i knoooow :(((((


i don't want to give my parents reasons to worry about me

or to feel sad because they think i'm sad

why not? they're your parents

and you live with them



aren't you the communication junkie?????

the wHAT

you are always telling me to solve things talking

and you can't tell your parents your ex boyfriend cheated on you with one of your friends?????

i'll never trust you again




what is that supposed to mean?

you see when cartoons get mad?



that is something else

GHGHGGH is when they groan and they're raising their shoulders and frowning

just say they're groaning


you know i'm right

you are

but i don't feel ready

did you tell your parents my car was jaden's?

that would make me sO ANGRY


i told them you're harry

so you told them about me?


i mean yes

i told them you're harry from college


and then they asked me if harry's rich and i said that's your dad's car

fair enough

will you tell them about me some day?

uh,,, duh

they'll be a bit ????? but it's fine

they like your music

they do?


did you play my music to them?


they heard sign of the times on the radio

and then they proceeded to basically insult me and the princess of pop

what do you mean?

my dad said something like

this is real music not like that $hit you listen to

and i only listen to britney

that makes me kinda proud

my dad loves symphonic rock

so he likes your style

he should know his daughter's best friend is the writer of those songs

some day, when we make sure his heart is safe


telling my dad that my best friend's songs are on the radio and that he's actually a multimillionaire that pays frappuccinos for me?


you're so dramatic

he's gonna love me

i'm sure of that


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