123. she's a keeper [narrated]

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saturday, 23rd of march, 2019

The way I look at Harry could be seen as sort of creepy, but I can't be blamed when the first thing I see as I open my eyes in the morning are his beautiful features, illuminated by the light that comes through the windows.

When I woke up my cheek was on his chest and his arms enclosing me, I didn't want to move, so I stayed there, just looking at him and waiting for his magnetic clear eyes to encounter mine once again.

I take a moment to think about the beginning of our relationship. I've never felt more stupid than that day when I insulted a stranger, but I don't regret it because my mistake brought Harry into my life.

Since then, everything has felt easier, like he was ready to catch me if I ever fell, but also giving me the courage to continue.

Ariel, you can't be this cheesy so early.

My finger starts drawing imaginary figures on his tattooed chest, while I'm focusing on the pace of his breathing. It's so calming when it coordinates with mine.

I stop when I feel him moving under my touch. His grip on my waist tightens and his hands open widely on my back to pull me closer to him. My smile crosses my face as his eyes open slowly.

"Good morning, sunshine," I whisper.

"I want this view every morning," He says with a raspy voice. It immediately becomes my favorite sound.

I giggle and shake my head, remembering last night. The way he caressed my skin and reminded me he loved me with every action and word made me the most loved girl on earth, I have no doubt about it.

I feel adored under his gaze, so I don't break eye contact at any moment, not even when he raises his hand to trace my cheekbone and jaw slowly with his fingertips.

"You're golden," Harry says in a whisper. "You're the ray of light, golden," He continues, frowning as if he didn't know what he's saying.

He compared me to a ray of light before, and it felt like that Olly Murs song: my heart skipped a beat. Or maybe several.

Harry sighs and places his hand on my arm, stroking my skin gently.

"I want you with me at every moment, angel."

"Are you proposing right now?" I ask smiling widely. He nods while giggling. "Then... I'll think about it."

"Is that a yes what I'm hearing?"

"I said I'll..."

Before I can finish the sentence, he makes us rotate on the so and his body ends up on top of mine, kissing my cheeks exaggeratedly while I laugh.

"You're so beautiful," He says before leaving a peck on my lips.

When he stops to look at me with that adorable smile, I grab his cheeks and kiss him repeatedly, just like he did.

"I love you so much," I say right before properly kiss him.

We spend a couple more minutes kissing and hugging, until we get up from bed and get dressed. We even brush our teeth together, with that extra toothbrush he said was for me, and the scene from Bring it on! comes to my mind in the exact moment Harry looks at my eyes through the mirror.

My cheeks glow red like traffic lights as soon as I depict his sweater on the kitchen floor, where everything started getting hotter between us, but Harry doesn't even see it.

As Harry is opening the fridge to prepare breakfast for us, I squat down and grab the sweater. I put it on and look down to appreciate the beige tone of it. Then, I climb the counter and sit on it with my legs crossed.

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