21. pingu the penguin

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were you ever a fanboy?

what do you mean?

like a really big fan of something

i don't think so

i mean i used to have a crush on jennifer anniston

but not really a fan

why do you ask?

i found a box where i put all my fan girl things

they weren't much

but they were honest work :)

were you one of those corny one direction fans?


you didn't like them?

when i was younger hating one direction was a whole personality trait

lmao why?

because they had the hype

and there's always haters

same thing with justin bieber

were you part of his club of haters?

i was nOT A HATER

my group of friends was tho, i guess i just went with it

so you hated them

but it was nothing personal, probably they didn't really hate them either, but we chose a side

i just listened to britney spears

i didn't really care about the rest

so i'm guessing everything in that box is britney spears related

most of it

who had the honor to be in the fan girl box?

i like that name


don't laugh

you know i will

jason derulo

jason derulo

yes, him



did you listen to tattoos?

the album


okay go now

listen to it

and if you still don't know why i was his fan, you have a problem

you're the one with the problem

jason derulo deserves every grammy

i'm not even gonna try to deny it

you know you can't

we're not seriously having this conversation

please say you're joking

a little

but i really liked him back then

you never fanboyed over anyone?

not even ed sheeran?


i did

did i just gUESS THAT?

i kinda got a tattoo related to him

what is it?



pingu the penguin

oh lord

i got the word pingu tattooed

no regrets tho

you like tattoos?

yeah, they're memories on my body

that's nice

maybe i should get one

you should get a big HARRY tattooed on your forehead

isn't there a more subtle place?

your butt cheek

omg harry

don't be naughty

you just ruined it

were you flirting?

yeah but i kinda failed

i need to learn more pick up lines from harvey

isn't he the cute one?


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